Fantastical Fae

By Berry Fantastic

Flutelike by the window
Heard a rustle in the wind
And the branches scratching softly
Seemed to irritate my skin

Listened for a whisper
Or a twinkle by the ear
Listened all night long
Sitting stilly like the deer

Music in the springtime
Singing of the summer dance
Growing weary in the autumn
Sparing winter one last glance

Laughter like the starlight
Only small and very near
Wait to hear the voice again
Sit and wait another year

Granted by the glamour
Cannot glimpse what I can see
Dragged into the sunset
Tousled hair the shade of weeds

Singing with the flowers
I shall drink, my cup is full
Will o wisps that leave me gasping
For the dreams inside my skull

Cannot touch it, cannot have it
But the want is always there
Drunk on lies and wishes
Dying quickly without care

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Copyright 2010 Berry Fantastic
Published on Thursday, February 25, 2010.     Filed under: "Fantasy" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "Fantastical Fae"

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  • Dilated View On Monday, March 8, 2010, Dilated View (588)By person wrote:

    Very beautiful. The flow was great and the imagery used throughout was as well. This had me swaying with the seasons. The last two stanzas were my favorites. Nice job.

  • Berry Fantastic On Wednesday, March 10, 2010, Berry Fantastic (28)By person wrote:

    Thank you so much.

  • Malcholm Dark On Friday, February 26, 2010, Malcholm Dark (806)By person wrote:

    Will o wisps that leave me gasping, brilliant! Sometimes you have to find the right people to read your pieces. Find the ones who write like you and reply on their poetry.write on.

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