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Sitting in her gilded cage, the sullen bird finds no solace.
Her bright plummage ruffled and unnoticed,
she sings softly to the empty room.
Her charcoal eyes bright with worry,
viewing the world in greif so alone is she.
Hopping softly side to side,
she wonders where they all hide.
Her heart breaks inside her chest,
all alone in her tidy nest.
The silence of a tomb beats aginst her in a hollow cacophony,
she twitches and shivers in anticipation of her doom.
She wonders what she did wrong.
Were her feathers found lacking,
her song off key?
Why have they all forsaken me?
She flaps hard, she flaps fast,
her body made of glass.
Her torment to great,
she seeks to flee her fate.
Beating the bars with her only tool,
her bones break and she feels the fool.
Bleeding and broken she drops to the ground,
her shining home she has flown.
Gasping and spent she falls into the last descent.
Her small frame still,
the lonliness was the kill.