Humanity Hypocrasy
By BlacK_diamond_Bay
H umanit Y
H ypocras Y
Both words cursed with the same brgining
and the same end.
The same curse we carry in our bones.
We're born small and weak, we'll die small and weak, but still we choose
to slap name tags to things.
Creations not of man, but of a higher being.
Monsters, Hiddeousness, darkness, ugly beats, damned souls
Things we choose to call
creations of the night, never really realizing
that eternal night comes to all.
Do humans not birth rage, hate, murder, violence, greed, racism, terrorism
Perhaps we should take a closer look in the mirror
next time we wake up.
Maybe then we'll see the reality.
We are the monsters.
-posted by gigi (helen thomson) jason's love forever and fiance)
**readers note: This is an english paper jason wrote in the 4th grade about
society, naturally because of its nature it didn't get very far but i think
its worth more than sharing**