From a Poet to the Philosopher

By Revisable Retina

From a poet to the philosopher

Its told you see my face hear my voice
yet you walk with threatening women
who dare steal lips from me
Taken aback by spoken wickedness

Your bodyless fornicating


Crushed weight of your words

“Finally” dawning on your heart
I’m the one left here with nothing but remains
You have all the star filled nights
Allys filled with laughter

Yet your heart is yearning for me
Yet your soul is screaming out to me
I am all alone bitter not nearly as much inspired
by all this as you’ve been

I picture you sitting in a chair
Eyes cold starring forward
Jaw clenched with a vengeance
Misery spoon fed to you by yours truly

Passing judgment on others is your weakness
You wear arrogance and pride as your armor
With the cunning posture of a demon
The refusal of changing what’s asked of you for me

*Absurd apologies for no wrongful doing*
Constant worry of what others might be feeling
All though love’s you.. and needed you
*Now needs a hand up driven down by fate*

What now can I say beloved
That has not already been told
I said I will see brown change to grey
I will not stand for wallowing in what can easily be avoided

-Yet you were my philosopher, I stood behind you as your poet -

Yes you’ve made an impact BRAVO
I’ll just sit here and hold my breath
Shedding memories of life shedding them of you
Goodbye my love

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© 2007 RachelDawn
Published on Friday, August 3, 2007.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "From a Poet to the Philosopher"

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  • A former member wrote: /With the cunning posture of a demon / as well as the last stanza. brilliant

  • Sketso On Wednesday, August 29, 2007, Sketso (419)By person wrote:

    Poetry IS philosophy, enlightened for the lost. Only thing is, the poet knows it... and most "philosophers" aren't really. Nicely spoken.

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 3, 2007, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    what makes you think a turtle without its shell is still a turtle?

  • A former member wrote: Parmenides wrote his philosophy in verse... and Heidegger believed that poetry was the means to discover that which defies logic... the way of aletheia... an uncovering of what has been hidden beneath a way of seeing the world that can be easily communica

  • A former member wrote: ted... i.e., what language, for all of its everyday 'effectiveness' and utility, has failed to capture. The poet is a vehicle for the infinite possibility of which many philosophers seek only the boundaries. Intriguing write... I love dialogue. And what m

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 3, 2007, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    not just language - he even goes so far as to say the science of physics itself is self-limiting

  • A former member wrote: ight a philosopher say to the poet?

  • Solace On Friday, August 3, 2007, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    Exactly what you just said no doubt...I've got nothing left after that exposition :)

  • Bella Butchery On Friday, August 3, 2007, Bella Butchery (696)By person wrote:

    he sounds like a narcissist to me. i love the old school lingo and dictation you mix in with the new millennium slang and dramatics. you cut down your own writing when you have so much for people to learn from...

  • Bella Butchery On Friday, August 3, 2007, Bella Butchery (696)By person wrote:

    a modern woman ranting to the crowd of serpent tongue truths... i love to sit and watch you persuade the crowd, and myself.

  • A former member wrote: wow; a gutteral grudge indeed; and prophetically wicked sharp. . .. such a raw write. . .. amazing

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