Comments by All Members

  • "thanks Damien, i got the title idea from a children's baking competition on the food network it's Karen's favorite, our tv rarely leaves that station. anyway the kids had to bake a cake decorated like a unicorn and make name tags, one of them named their's Gazpacho. i thought a unicorn named after a tomato soup ....that's just fucked up! then i just exercised my imagination to write this nonsense. thanks for commenting i truly do look forward to hearing from you. you two have really been writing some fantastic stuff. later bro - m0 "
    Posted by molock on "A unicorn named Gazpacho" by molock
  • "This reminds me of when Pink Floyds Another Brick in the Wall came out. The buzz around that music was legendary. Every song stayed in your head and had you singing without even knowing. Youre the best Mo"
    Posted by Damien on "A unicorn named Gazpacho" by molock
  • "i agree with that entire list but when i read that you included Dan McCafferty i almost fell out of my chair, with out a doubt one of the best metal voices ever. Karen doesn't care for Zeppelin much ...And shame on her! however she loves Nazareth, and for me Nazareth and Thin Lizzy are 2A and 2B behind Zeppelin. we listen to Nazareth all the time Karen currently has 6 Nazareth cd's in her car stereo, bless her heart. it's always good chattin' with you man , you're the best. later bro - m0"
    Posted by molock on "Evening the fall of day" by molock
  • "You want to talk voices, how about Dio? How about Chris Cornell and Eddie Vetter on Hunger Strike? I saw Disturbed in Pittsburgh last summer. Draiman can sing. Check out the cover of Sound of Silence. Saw Shinedown last winter. Brent Smith is their front man. He is brilliant. Saw Creed in Pittsburgh. I'm a huge Scott Stapp fan. Others worth mentioning are Roger Daultry, Ozzie, Sabastian Bach, Steve Perry and Dan McCafferty of Nazareth. This is just off the top of my head"
    Posted by Damien on "Evening the fall of day" by molock
  • "thanks for reading and commenting. i like your user name i've done a lot of studying on the Annunaki interesting story there. peace my friend"
    Posted by molock on "Evening the fall of day" by molock
  • "i agree Damien for that style of rock it doesn't get much better than that. i was reading an article the other day about Robert and Jimmy it looks like they're getting back in the studio together this year ...what a treat. if they tour anywhere near me i'm fuckin' goin'. you might know already but Robert released a Album about 5 or 6 months ago called "Carry Fire" with in 2 weeks one of the tracks reached the top 20 and only after a couple of months the Album was on the top 50 Album releases of 2017. any way as you can tell if i start talking about Zep i have a hard time stopping. just for the record and i know you know this but Chris Cornell and Audio Slave are the Led Zep reincarnate any best rock and roll singer discussion should start with either one of those guys. i'm gonna stop now i promise. later bro - m0 "
    Posted by molock on "Evening the fall of day" by molock
  • "Would you consider Robert Plant the greatest voice of all time? There have been some great leads in our time but I can't think of anyone who was better. The chemistry between him and Jimmy Page also might be the best of all time. I could go on all day about music but I think I'll listen to The Immigrant Song instead. Valhalla I am coming. Later Mo"
    Posted by Damien on "Evening the fall of day" by molock
  • "thanks Drea i'm glad you liked it. one day i decided to write something and try to be vague as possible while i was doing it and this is what i came up with. i had some fun with it. it's always good hearing from you Drea. later- m0"
    Posted by molock on "vague description" by molock
  • "fantastic comment dwells, you always manage to put a smile on my face ...thank you! Cheers my brother - m0"
    Posted by molock on "vague description" by molock
  • "i definitely understand to this day i don't watch many mainstream movies, i prefer to watch old sci-fi movies from the 50's like mars attacks or the angry red planet.a lot of times i go on you tube to listen to radio mystery theater from the 40's. i can't even get started on music, lol. i appreciate the effort you put in on making comments on my re-post. i have had the worst case of writers block lately. it's always good chattin' with you my brother. peace - m0"
    Posted by molock on "vague description" by molock
  • "when I was kid growing up I had odd tastes in music and movies. kept all that shit to myself. It was precious to me but no one else would understand. It was and is a huge part of who I am. I feel like you would understand. You would get it. That's what I love about Mo."
    Posted by Damien on "vague description" by molock
  • "That which has no name; from the primordial ooze. Yet still remembered by the lizard brain, when the world was young. Oh yeah baby - cheers Mo! - Dan"
    Posted by dwells on "vague description" by molock
  • "Ooh is this the fiery furnace king or the tower of Babel guy? I think Nebuchanezzar preceded him (writing on the wall???). Cheers again! - Dan"
    Posted by dwells on "Nimrods baby" by molock
  • "New for me Mo and a nicely done biblical prophesy with a touch of skepticism my friend. 5-4-3-2-1 Cheers! Dan "
    Posted by dwells on "Nimrods baby" by molock
  • "I do remember this one Mo, it's one of my favorites. It's good to have you back in the fold. I hope all is well and give my best to Karen. "
    Posted by Damien on "Nimrods baby" by molock
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