Comments by All Members

  • "if im reading correctly your referring to the truly great poems that are unworthy for any ones eyes because its to personal to share. ive wrote a few poems like that. just to see what my true feelings look like on paper. just to get it out. its very therapeutic because were getting that honesty, at times the brutal honesty that just cant be shared. your just awesome, that's all I can say."
    Posted by haunted on "PEN TO PAPER" by infinitebeing
  • "well you've crawled inside my mind, but far from being unpleasant. lol...beautiful words come from pain, collecting thoughts of after the matter, great poems like yours are wrought. awesome!"
    Posted by haunted on "~LOCKED AWAY~" by infinitebeing
  • "I can so relate, we wish we were dead, but may as well be when we seem to be invisible to others. ive often been tempted to ask if im still alive and not a left over spirit unaware of his death. on the other hand its an escape from those that would confirm were alive. to truly be alone is needed when we cant really function in a world that just passes us by. its a depressing place to be, and its sad that I do this at times. I could go on forever but ill spare you. lol...awesome poem and so relatable. "
    Posted by haunted on "-cOnFiNeD-" by infinitebeing
  • "I can relate to this well, its a very valuable tool to use to go into a deep state of relaxation. some and few are able to project on an astral plane. I studied and practiced this regularly but with no solid results. escaping into other dimensions sounds so incredible to me. but this is my escape...poetry just like yours. awesome!"
    Posted by haunted on "Awakening" by infinitebeing
  • "damn girl, you can fucking write! im in awe of your poetry. its really straight up in this poem. im just very excited for you, because I know when you write your like, this shit is bomb. I would to! fucking awesome, damn."
    Posted by haunted on "!FAST LIFE ANTHEM!" by infinitebeing
  • "some complain theres not enough sex in their violence. I guess that's the difference in abuse, some crave it some are deserving and welcome the abuse. *raises hand* even then its tragic, theres usually sexual abuse already present. I think I may have led astray, lol...but yeah a great poem infinite, much enjoyed. please excuse my ramblings."
    Posted by haunted on "~INTENTION~" by infinitebeing
  • "awesome, at first I thought this sounded like really bad anxiety but then the mood changes and becomes darker, and that's a beautiful thing. nice!!"
    Posted by haunted on "**DROWNING**" by infinitebeing
  • "this is amazing, your a great poet and I hope you don't get tired of me saying so. really nice, loved it."
    Posted by haunted on "EULOGIES" by infinitebeing
  • "oh my god, I cant say enough. this is really beautiful...*heart skips beat* this gives me an erection, sorry but I love it that much. your an excellent poet, and I wish I could be those delicious words you layed down. awesome pen dear."
    Posted by haunted on "DEATH SMILED :)" by infinitebeing
  • "Very intense.. and the last line, gives an eerie yet satisfying sense of closure to the struggle the character faces in this journey. Great write"
    Posted by Unknown on "DEATH SMILED :)" by infinitebeing
  • "hell yeah, this is awesome, you got lots of talent in that pen of yours. I love your words, I love how you express yourself, your very good at that, that's critical for a poet. this is great poetry, you really did a great job on this one. awesome!"
    Posted by haunted on "-RAZORS EDGE-" by infinitebeing
  • " Just went on a journey with the Golden Teachers; blue, purple and golden mushrooms. If everyone could see what I saw the world would be so different...but that is not the point, is it? The point is...we are here to taste things. We taste sorrow. We taste joy. We taste everyy emotion, and when we have learned its lesson we taste of something else. Silence is the experience that we, as a race, taste the least. We've forgotten its magicks, we've strayed from its freedom. In the silence all secrets are revealed. But it is all just that..experience. I bow humbly."
    Posted by Unknown on "Awakening" by infinitebeing
  • "Walking well at the bottom, is what whispers out through your lines. Its the tone of "wanting what you need" throughout that holds no lie... great write"
    Posted by Unknown on "LIFE ON THE STREETS" by infinitebeing
  • "The picture you've painted looks like a world I've lived in. You're words are real, raw and touch deep. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece."
    Posted by Unknown on "LIFE ON THE STREETS" by infinitebeing
  • "this is really a great poem and I can relate to life on the streets as ive walked many miles on them. I love this poem, its great a great ryhtym and super smooth rhyme to it. excellent pen!"
    Posted by haunted on "LIFE ON THE STREETS" by infinitebeing
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