Comments by All Members

  • "this is just to awesome to put into words. this is a very good piece that you crafted. im loving it, just awesome!"
    Posted by haunted on "Mindsweeper" by infinitebeing
  • "It sounded alot like hatred and confusion what you depicted in this poem, but written subtly. I also enjoy that play with the layout at the end, something I enjoy doing myself alot. Lovely imagery, nice flow"
    Posted by Unknown on "Mindsweeper" by infinitebeing
  • "Its hard to admit just how the scale tips for someone to yourself, when that someone use to be someone else... very raw in the thought on this write... I like that very much..."
    Posted by Unknown on "Mindsweeper" by infinitebeing
  • "oh man, a violated and innocent robbed child has got to be the fucking worse thing ever. people are sick, people are capable of horrible things, terrible fucking things. I don't understand...a child, come on. he should be hanged and castrated then raped in his ass while he cant fight back. there will never be justice for such an act. its sad and even sadder that this even took place. this is heart wrenching and my best goes to you. thanks for sharing sweety."
    Posted by haunted on "Faded Memories" by infinitebeing
  • "Your writing 👏 the level of techniques😱 genuinely a marvelous artist I salute u my favorite things to read are your pieces of art.. I intellectually applaud you 😋"
    Posted by Unknown on "MY MONSTER" by infinitebeing
  • "this is so awesome, to hear you let go of a life that seemed like maybe it was fun and friends and addiction. its a lifestyle. and it sounds like you are done. and that's an excellent achievement. I hope you never look back with that desire and fire to use. just keep walking, in fact with your dreams. your young and beautiful, you deserve the best, and only you can change that. I wish you luck on your road to recovery. or should I say, welcome to your new life! your awesome and inspiring. great poem!"
    Posted by haunted on "-My Mistakes-" by infinitebeing
  • "Our Monsters should have a little play date, wouldn't that be fun. I loved this, so much said in only a few short stanza's x"
    Posted by MissAngelic on "MY MONSTER" by infinitebeing
  • "yes I agree, the spoon houses many monsters. ive seen friends struggle with that addiction and because of that I will never fuck with heroin or any thing else that's labeled heaven in a syringe. I see what it does, I wish you could of saw that, but we walk other paths and because of these paths we become who we are. and fuck people that judge our past, its people like that, that make us feel like we'll never make it out. but its all up to us to make that choice, that huge fucking decision to give it up. its hard as hell, and I hope your strength stays strong, life is much better with out the dope, as im sure you know. i hope this didn't sound like a lecture, but then again, take it how you want, cause you know whats up miss infinite. and I care. awesome poem."
    Posted by haunted on "MY MONSTER" by infinitebeing
  • "it is an emotion that i could never find the words to properly fit.. channeling energy with someone can give u an orgasmic release far more intense then any physically stimulating intercourse u can have with any individual!"
    Posted by infinitebeing on "Awakening" by infinitebeing
  • "this is really uplifting, that you can let your guard down for someone special. I hope that they don't let you down. your very pretty and you have a beautiful gift and you deserve the best. I hope your tears never feel like your to blame, ever. "
    Posted by haunted on "Friendship" by infinitebeing
  • "awe, this is empowering, to take what was yours to begin with. kind of like giving your heart to be cradled and loved. but only to have your precious heart in the hands of someone who has the wrong idea on what love is. this ones a little sad. *hugs to you*"
    Posted by haunted on "**Beaten Black**" by infinitebeing
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