Comments by All Members
- "I see now what I had inferred before. This is a powerful write, about a powerful bond. May your strength be sufficient to the task, and may your daughter grow up secure in your care."
Posted by Scarrzz on "Adara Star" by Beautiful Scars
- "After reading your Bio, this scares me.
I don't even know you, but I hope it doesn't mean what is implied. Sometimes life has a way of reshaping what we know is important. I hope the questions have answers and the pain isn't forever."
Posted by Scarrzz on "She's gone......" by Beautiful Scars
- "I love the line 'raising you was a right i had to earn'. that's such simple beauty and strong emotion. gave me shivers :)"
Posted by ebonyamore on "Adara Star" by Beautiful Scars
- "Beautiful... And true. The bond between mother and daugher is unbreakable. Such life and love in this poem. It is so sweet. I have tears welling in my eyes. ~Melodies"
Posted by melodies revisited on "Adara Star" by Beautiful Scars
- "and maybe if you tied the person down, that could have worked too, things happen, even though we try to prevent or save someone, theystill happen, it doesn't ever mean we should give up"
Posted by Johny_D_Lewis on "She didnt have to die" by Beautiful Scars
- "Very very hit so close to home for me. I can feeel the pain yet we have never met. Hold on tight for the darkness cannot hold on forever
Posted by Unknown on "Better Off Alone" by Beautiful Scars