Comments by All Members

  • "...this speaks vengeance in the fewest amount of words...powerful without saying much, and that is its appeal...nice...I like the visions of rage I see from may have stirred an -Darun"
    Posted by SilentStalker on "Goodbye" by Mistress Morbid
  • "you write of hope, and dreamery. and o how i wish i could write like that. i did when i was younger. maybe a few years ago. then it all went down the drain. but i respect you holding onto it."
    Posted by Twilight on "Today Is The Day" by Mistress Morbid
  • "awwfreidnship that is solid and true...i envy it. because all i can do is watch it from my cage, like im fucking animal at a zoo. while happy people hold hands and kiss cheeks. and just, hurts i tell ya"
    Posted by Twilight on "Let the Journey Begin" by Mistress Morbid
  • "alot of syblos, they spoke what you were trying to convey and they definately made it look cool. it was making me nauseous but in a good way:)"
    Posted by Twilight on "Body Rot" by Mistress Morbid
  • "this was exemplary. you spoke greed, and gluttony like a true pro. like it was your true sport. and you play it like no one else. well done."
    Posted by Twilight on "Detrimental Child" by Mistress Morbid
  • "coming out of a state where you were so low. being born again, stronger, and more wise. its beautiful. as was this piece."
    Posted by Twilight on "Ounce Of Pain" by Mistress Morbid
  • "foundation, strength, platforms to stand on and be supported. gone, crumbling away before your eyes. heartwrenching imust say."
    Posted by Twilight on "Alas" by Mistress Morbid
  • "Suffice to say, you impressed upon me something that caused at a bare account, a feeling of adulation and pride, a seeming desire to comfort you and hold your words close...The world is so cold sometimes literal and figurative..."
    Posted by Solace on "The Gates of Kismet (Urchin Expiry)" by Mistress Morbid
  • "this response/responding responsibly to this is an effort, one that is strenuous not in its physical distress but in its mental overtake, totalitarian revolvement of systems in effect, barely defining adequately the feeling/thoughts/reactions"
    Posted by Solace on "The Gates of Kismet (Urchin Expiry)" by Mistress Morbid
  • ""And the playground has become an early grave" memories/reminiscence of old, of pre thoughts, the cognitive asphyxiation is prevalent as the mind reciprocates with the feeding with the release of this something"
    Posted by Solace on "The Gates of Kismet (Urchin Expiry)" by Mistress Morbid
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