Comments by All Members

  • "I think this translated very well. a few small tweaks in wording, perhaps. you kept me engaged throughout the entire poem. oh, and nice pic :)"
    Posted by Patches on "Dream Maker" by M Morgan
  • "I think we must all feel this way and you strike a common chord, well done MM. By the way the dark blue text is very hard to see on the black background, maybe one shade lighter would be better, cheers!"
    Posted by dwells on "Poetry consummating by love" by M Morgan
  • "Sweet and long death. That is the way the love kills us, dont you think? And poet thanks so much."
    Posted by M Morgan on "LOVECIDA!" by M Morgan
  • "yes, poet. I want do that. But i dont know if i get it. But that is the idea. Thanks as always Poet."
    Posted by M Morgan on "LOVECIDA!" by M Morgan
  • "Wondering if maybe "Lovecide" in English would be most accurate (like patricide and matricide maybe?) What a new and refreshingly deadly way to look at it - just ask the black widow spider! Cheers MM!"
    Posted by dwells on "LOVECIDA!" by M Morgan
  • " write of love, you speak of it in both your languages. how extraordinary is it that you would murder yourself for love..."
    Posted by FadedBlues on "LOVECIDA!" by M Morgan
  • "always loved the tango but our dance school had no boys to practice with ... :P ... I like the bay/laurels connection you have there...I believe the tango was banned at one time and place for inflaming the passions...thank you for sharing..."
    Posted by kinkifrog on "Tango On" by M Morgan
  • " the tango was considered sexual appealing and of course They try to prevent. So poet tango on us. Thanks "
    Posted by M Morgan on "Tango On" by M Morgan
  • "...the scent of love & of music is the scent of a woman. your poem has a good beat & is easy to dance to..."
    Posted by FadedBlues on "Tango On" by M Morgan
  • "Well said and they will definitely love you en la Argentina, maravillosa!"
    Posted by dwells on "Tango On" by M Morgan
  • "You are so unique with your speech idiosyncracies, don't ever stop, it gives new meanings MM! Cheers. And it is springtime here, north of the equator, but I know you are down south - way down!"
    Posted by dwells on "Strange fall" by M Morgan
  • "to be left wet, with appetite, and dry without sustenance. plants need water, but if the water is toxic, then time to find a new source. strange falls..I like the imagery this produced for me. thanks :)"
    Posted by Patches on "Strange fall" by M Morgan
  • "Dear Dwells Religion is not salvation. When one fully embraces and believes he is changed or saved by words. This person is lost! and away from himself. You must believe in yourself and get their own experiences. Believe but think, believe but doubt. Blues here refers to anti-depressants to mitigate the word "priest". "
    Posted by M Morgan on "Two words!" by M Morgan
  • "Just read this again and I'm still not sure if blue refers to "the blues" (sadness). Also, the priest figure and your friend Chris (could this be code for "Christ"?) - nevertheless there is a secret being kept and the priest seems to be a major player. We all have our secrets; some more than others, cheers! "
    Posted by dwells on "Two words!" by M Morgan
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