Comments by All Members

  • "I never did it, never tried to kill myself but I have thoughts of me doing it many many times, but not the actual urge, is it good? Is it bad? One would always say it's good, I just don't know... But from your talk I see that you have already tried that"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Single-Bullet Theory" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "I don't remember him, so there's not much to miss, I remember my life always without him on it so it wasn't that bad. That car accident was many times called just "The Accident" it marked us all, but for me it is just something that I can't remember, I blocked the whole thing out, everything past that was enough bad for that day to not be so bad.... As always, your comments make my day :) "
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Where art thou my brother?" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "This is so great. Most suicide poems I've read ends when the author lives at the last second, but you didn't. That's interesting. If there is anything I seem to have a problem writing about, it's my attempts. Thank you for sharing."
    Posted by Unknown on "Single-Bullet Theory" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "This is so sad, but also so beautiful. I really admire you for your obvious strength. If I were to ever lose my little brother, I would never be the same. He's the reason I try to be strong. As always, amazing job."
    Posted by Unknown on "Where art thou my brother?" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Unfortunately that relationship has already ended, I ended it.... I thought about that for a long time if it was the best thing to do.... I still think it was... but I still love her and breaking up with her it was like cutting off a limb of myself... And the guilt, the guilt overwhelmes me.... Anyway, thank you for your kind words :) I really loved your comment :D"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Lost Princess" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Please don't die :) This poem isn't just about death, it can mean a lot of things but the whole idea was that as we are growing up and more importantly when we do choices it's as if the person we were until then morphs into the person who made the choice. The consequences of our actions changes us all the time, and that change is like a death and a reborn into something else. But yes, I guess there were moments that would be death for me, many times, I have been different in past many times.... If you manage to talk to me, I can tell you more about it"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Metamorphosis" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "What a great piece. It makes me remember the day I died inside, and how close I came to final salvation. I have to wonder, if this broken piece represents you, what has killed your soul? If it's just fine imagery from a sharp mind, you have my admiration, friend. Deep piece."
    Posted by Unknown on "Metamorphosis" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "This is so beautiful. It's like your words melt together and pool into the bottom of my heart. What a wonderful girl she must be. I hope she makes you happy, and that you cherish her as long as you can. You never know when these things might come apart, and with it destroy the shining soul within your heart... "
    Posted by Unknown on "Lost Princess" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Yes indeed, I tried to give a positive meaning for the ego as something that helps survive but it was put to bad use. Being the ego a gift from God as He gave the oxigen for us to be alive. I'm glad you've liked it :D"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Yes, maybe this beast is our personification of the manifestation of ill emotions that we fear to overcome us and take over ourselves. Your comments always make my day :) I appreciate when I can touch other people hearts with my poetry, synchronizing others with my thoughts. -hugs- :D "
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Beware of the Dog" by Melancholic VIncent
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