Comments by All Members

  • "Homeland security has probably scoped you out by now, but all I can say is, you go boy! We have never been duped by such a liar and pretender to the throne of patriots. Look up the Fox / Piven "collapse the system" mentality of the college professors, who want to overload and crash the system to rebuild in their own image. Ancient history from the 90's but still valid - drink the cool aid! "
    Posted by dwells on "Tyrant-A-Saur" by daiglepoems
  • "Cool piece and always a grand finale that does not disappoint (or is that a denoument?). Cheers Daigle."
    Posted by dwells on "Suits for Boots" by daiglepoems
  • "Never heard any mention of a gar fish in these here parts, but I've caught my fair share. Really enjoyed this introspective piece and another well done sir! Envy the cat with nine lives."
    Posted by dwells on "third time'll be a charm" by daiglepoems
  • "Reminds me of a sign somebody read in Yellowstone: don't use pepper spray on the bears because they really like their meat (you) well-spiced. Cheers!"
    Posted by dwells on "Picnic Basket" by daiglepoems
  • "Sounds like maybe you got the barb from a stinkray? I thought the title was familiar but didn't realize what I was in for until well along the read. So you did succeed at pulling me into this piece, hook, line, and stinker. Cheers!"
    Posted by dwells on "The Fish That Never Swum" by daiglepoems
  • "What happened to the comments? This must have been part of a mass mailing maybe? Much enjoyed and still chuckling. You might wanna check out "space slut" that I wrote on the same subject. So, do you feel pretty now?(HA)! Thanks Daigle."
    Posted by dwells on "Wannabe" by daiglepoems
  • "Well, thank you. I was reluctant to post this because it only took me about fifteen minutes to write it and I thought that made it sort of inferior to most of my other pieces. Thanks for the kudos. dp"
    Posted by daiglepoems on "The Fish That Never Swum" by daiglepoems
  • "wow this was a really amazingly unique piece. Loved the analogies here as well. really well done great imagery nice rhythm just all around loved it!"
    Posted by RubyXero on "The Fish That Never Swum" by daiglepoems
  • ""His" refusal to speak leads to two alternatives: he is either a rooster, or a capon. This was very fowl and much enjoyed. Recommend Col. Sanders be called as an expert witness (nevermind he's dead). Cheers you chicken plucker(HA)! Perhaps enjoying too much...thanks Daigle."
    Posted by dwells on "Maybe It's A Chicken" by daiglepoems
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