Comments by All Members
- "Yes. But you misinterpreted what "freezing shit land" means. Means a cold place where no agricutlure can be done. It may be resting. But that doesn't change the fact that the sun sets early and you can't farm it and food from it is sparse at best. It is both a common practice to worship or sanctify the phases of the sun and a rebirth to heat as it is also common practice to either deify or sanctify food. Case in point. Shinto. They offer food to their gods. Food that is important to the people who give it. The hindus had a grading scale on the potency of sacrifice that culminated with humans, right after horses. Simple point I was making. That the 25 is a common birthday of Gods because it is a common sacred day. Simple. Not cause of some grand conspiracy theory. As to being pagan. Unless you're a reconstructionist your religion was invented due to a similarity between Cerenumous and Satan. Superficial at best. Remember Teutatis was given human sacrifices in bogs. Bleh."
Posted by Unknown on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "I understand you felt the downfall of two cement towers. But things like that happen. The Reichstag fire, they knew about 9/11, there are declassified documents about mkUltra, one of their operations was the Mai Ling massacre. Osama was paid and trained by the Americans while he was a mujihadeen in the Afghani-Soviet war. The fact is. Governments are capable of insidious acts at any time in human history. When one analyzes the past one will find that systematic genocides are common. That governments are willing to kill civilians to establish civil order. I am not belittling the men and women who died in the towers. I'm simply saying the American government is capable of and has killed, tortured, kidnapped, experimented on large numbers of people against their will or unknowingly. Curious about sources. Too many to fit. What I'm saying is true. I know this and read it from reliable sources. I still feel it oculd have been done by the government. America's industry is based on armaments. How else do you make an economy thrive but by making enemies. Iraq was for oil. Their rattling chains over Russia now, oil again. They're destabilizing the middle east, armaments. They're overall lunging desperately at an empire they "
Posted by Unknown on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "haha. hell yes brain. I thought I was alone in that type of thinking. The entire thing, if I had watched it, would probably make me laugh at best. The first 20 minutes or so had me thinking, "Who...oh who can believe this?". blah on this whole thing. YOu said it too well to add anything to."
Posted by Six-Out on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "I have a feeling that the true threat lies in believing such thoughts and the people who promote them. To inform us of these.... possibilities is not their only agenda. The question that re-occurs to me is: what's their MO? Who are THEY working for?"
Posted by Unknown on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "the bottom line is simple: we create the future with our thoughts. That's it. The more people believe in this or that happening, the more liable this or that is going to happen. Dispel the darkness, fuck the problems and let's start talking about the solutions. Hell in a hand-basket, right, the typical spook-you scenario. and we're powerless to this? We just have to accept that idea as fact and go along with it? No thanks. Been there, done that. Dead ends and dumb-asses. "
Posted by Unknown on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "you know, once upon a past, I was so absorbed in the numerous theories out there concerning the future of mankind that I didn't have my own thoughts on it; just a head full of... well, Alex Jones', to be certain. Recently, I've begun to realize that the multitudes of media spun info (which isn't JUST for Fox and CNN) are nothing more than someone's attempt to get inside your head and control you. See, if you think about it, more and more, you start to focus on it, then believe it, pouring more and more energy into those thoughts that you're promoting it and you don't even know it. Jones is more of a fear mongerer, a war mongerer, a hate mongerer than anyone he has ever accused. I understand AJ isn't even mentioned in this EndGame, but just using him as a point of reference."
Posted by Unknown on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "and they shut that stuff down. They don't shut down fifth dimension reptillians controlling a world free masonry money lending Rothchilde based global evil organization that worships Satan. Just listen to how fucking stupid that sounds. It's worse than pulp science fiction. Be smarter than that please."
Posted by Unknown on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "Food. We worshipped food. Naturally. Now be more worried about the patriot act and George W. turning your country into a fucking dictatorship where you march to the beat of American pie to your deaths in a future glass bowl, nuke+sand=glass.....sorry conspiracy theories are all stupid diversions. If it were true it'd be getting shut down. They likely did fake 9/11. The Commies lost and they needed an invisible enemy."
Posted by Unknown on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "I bet none of you here know that three days after the longest day of the year in the frost and cold where no grain could grow and barely any animals lived is december the 25th. You see that Zeitgeist film. Bullshit. All of the gods there are gods of renewal. Equals spring. Spring would be when sun comes back=no freezing cold shit land. You celebrate. You base gods on that specific date. Mithras was the sun of God, Ahura Mazda, all the dates coincide not because of some big conspiracy. But cause lots of cultures worship the solstice at times when the day lengthens. Fucking Illuminati. Horseshit. Masons have been hated for years. No one controls the world."
Posted by Unknown on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "Can you get the full version free anywhere? I've tried YouTube but that's more excerpts and trailers. Humanity will not idly let the elite of this world push for a "World Government" that easily. But I suppose onlt time will tell *tears out chip from passport* -Carl"
Posted by carlosjackal on "Global Enslavement Anyone?" by HalfDarkAngel
- "Is "MY" intentionally emphasized, if so it brings a certain element of thought that I don't think many discussions on the subject of religion really approach. If it is, I would have to say 'your god' would be an almost perfect truth, free from both good and evil, equilibriam maybe... at least those thoughts were inspired
Posted by Unknown on "MY God" by HalfDarkAngel