The making of Sin...

By Winter Born

The girl was writhing on the bed when I returned to the crappy hotel. She was awake... Great. At least the ball-gag made it impossible for her to scream and even with the noise she was making through these paper thin walls, it sounded like moans of pleasure not fear, or (looking at her chaffed wrists and ankles) pain. Her new tattoo was miraculously untouched. All of my slaves get the same one, a tribal dragon twisted down their bicept.

"you keep moving around like that and you are gonna destroy hours of my hard labor." I told her.

She looked at me with venom in her eyes and just a little fear.

"mmph oomph!"

Clearly normal conversation was going to be difficult. Not that I cared, I did not grab this girl for her conversational skills. No, I grabbed her for the wonderful near nude body that was bound, hand and foot to the cheap motel rooms bed. The drugs had been easy to slip into her drinks. Hell, I bought most of her drinks last night. Her friends were obviously used to this girl attracting this kind of attention and paid me no mind. The flashing lights and fake fog of the club making positive identification near impossible anyway. I had no fear of seeing my chisled features on the news. Hell, they probably wouldn't even notice she was missing till after spring break.

"I have no idea what you just said but it could not have been complimentary." I said, sitting on the bed beside her. "Is that any way for a lady to talk?"

"mmph oo!" she tried again.

"See, now this is what I feared would happen..." I sighed, walking over to a black chest sitting at the foot of the bed. The chest opened so the girl could not see inside it's forboding depths. My dark sunglasses hindered me not at all as I searched through the chest. I smiled up at the girl as my hand closed over my favored bone and silver handled crop. I had the pleasure of seeing her eyes widen and the color drain from her skin as I pulled the wicked crop from its case.

now the noises from behind the tight gag were no longer insulting. I swung the crop through the air to hear that wonderfully empowering whistle. Her entire body tightened at the sound. I let my mirrored gaze fall over her, as my evil smile slid over my face. With a flick of my wrist, the wide leather tab at the end of the crop whistled through the air ending with a loud crack as it hit her tender nipple.

She screamed into her gag as her entire body bowed up off of the mattress. The crop whistled again and again, as I took out my anger on her poor nipples. By the time I finished her breasts were striped and bruised from the wicked scourge. Tears streaked her face and I was surprised that the sounds emanating from behind the gag sounded more like pleasure than pain to me. I paused to regard my prisoner more closely. Under her bruises her nipples were rock hard! Her skin was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and unless I was mistaken I could smell her sweet pussy in the air. It seemed I had found a natural submissive.

I pressed my hand between her thighs, smiling slightly as she tried to keep her legs tightly closed. The thick leather restraints from her ankles to the corners of the bed made her attempts in vain and she knew it. When she began twisting her hips in an effort to evade me, my crop whistled through the air to strike hard across her stomach.
"You don't move until I tell you to." I grated at her. "I own you now, you are my slave."

Her head was shaking from side to side. Her sobs muffled nicely by the gag. Ignoring her, My hand continued its course to her shaven mound. Her eyes rolled wildly, looking at me with a mixture of disgust, fear, hatred, and passion. My finger came away from her slick skin coated in her juices. I looked at her thoughtfully while I licked the sweet taste from my hand. Coming to a decision, I turned back to the chest, my hands closed on what I wanted almost by instinct and I wondered silently to myself why the only things I could keep organized were my sadistic toys… Turning back to the girl on the bed I smiled evily at her as I toyed with the slim bits of steel in my hand. Leaning over her, I took one of her nipples in my mouth and began nibbling and licking, teasing it back to it hardend state before I closed the viscious clamp over the sensitive nub. Screams again… She was shaking now and thrashing her head from side to side in an attempt to deny what was happening to her. I watched her for a few seconds before closing my lips over the other nipple. Her screams turned to moans from my skilled tongue, Pleasure beginning to override the pain in her body. The sound of her breath rushing out of her as I clamped the second clamp on her nipple was pure erotic joy to me. Of course, screaming again… I stood at the side of the bed and decided I was sick of listening to her screaming. Reaching once again into the dark confines of my Chest o’ toys I retrieved the flogger of soft doe skin lashes. I moved to her feet watching her writhe on the bed attempting to somehow shake those creul bits of metal off of her nipples. Her eyes popped wide open as the lashes fell on her unprotected pussy lips, at least one of them finding her clit. I watched as the lashes fell over and over again. She had stopped screaming now, and her body was bowing up off of the bed again as her muscles tightened more and more. When I thought she was just about to break into orgasmic glory, I stopped. Her eyes sprung open, wide in disbelief and need. This time when my hand went to her wet pussy, her hips actually pushed up into my palm, trying to get more, trying to complete the journey to that orgasmic plateau.

“oh, no. you do not get one of those until you learn to beg for it correctly, and you still owe me an apology…”

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© 2007 deployed to hell
Published on Monday, March 26, 2007.     Filed under: "Erotica" and "Short Story"
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Comments on "The making of Sin..."

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  • denver nitze On Monday, February 25, 2008, denver nitze (252)By person wrote:

    wow. how quickly the tides turn. very nice write. i like the way it comes around. slightly agree with carmina, but ultimately loved it.

  • Sparrow On Monday, February 25, 2008, Sparrow (88)By person wrote:

    Very hot indeed... *backs away slightly*

  • Niemand On Sunday, November 4, 2007, Niemand (355)By person wrote:

    Hot damn, well, I'd hate to be on your bad side *snickers and backs away from the bed* Hot write.-Airi

  • Mylissa On Tuesday, March 27, 2007, Mylissa (828)By person wrote:


  • elisa On Monday, March 26, 2007, elisa (1604)By person wrote:

    bludgeons the mind with carnal thoughts......damn....i need a victim.

  • Winter Born On Monday, March 26, 2007, Winter Born (169)By person wrote:

    Woot! thanks for the comment Elisa!

  • Carmina Gitana On Monday, March 26, 2007, Carmina Gitana (149)By person wrote:

    It has all the makings of a good BDSM story, but the pacing is kinda lackluster for me, and, to be honest, the grammar/spelling issues keep tripping me up when it comes to getting turned on. Maybe I am spoiled by reading too many stories in this genre . .

  • Sin On Monday, March 26, 2007, Sin (1143)By person wrote:

    mmmm..all i can say is mmm..this was a very delicious start and i cant wait to ready more..i think i need a cold shower truly have a beautifully sadistic mind and i love it ~kristy

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