"Everyone is someone's Jew"

By lstdarkness

The heart monitor's constant
reminder lets me remember where
I am. The noise drives me crazy
like dripping water when you are
trying to sleep. The clean white in the
room surrounds me. Everything is

How did I get here? I.C.U. really means
lucky to be alive. I remeber leaving the
bar. Stepping out onto the dingy sidewalk.
Walking under starry backdrop of an August

I was covered in sweat. The hole in the wall
watering hole had no AC. The night was
sticky warm but the night air was a sweet
relief from the heat downstairs.

You fuckin' Jew. All of a sudden I hit
the groud with the force of a hammer on
a anvil. I am sure my body made
the same loud ping sound. I remeber
his boots.

Dark as a shawdow of high noon,
with white laces highlighting my fate.
That is all I could tell the police. Jotting notes
to them on yellow paper. They said this man
crushed my mouth on a curb.

Blood, spit and sidewalk. It could
not have been a pleasant taste.
I lay with the wires vice like grip clamping
my jaw shut. I have these little wire clippers in
case I need to vomit.

My tounge meets my lips where my
teeth used to be. The police said they were strewn
across the sidewalk like stars spread
over the sky. Left glimmering lit up
by the street light.

I awoke confused and startled 3 days later.
I forced my eyes open and a lady
smiling and carrying a tray. Are you thirsty?
She pushed a straw between my lips.

And I am not even Jewish.

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© 2007 lstdarkness
Published on Saturday, January 6, 2007.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on ""Everyone is someone's Jew""

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  • verablue On Saturday, January 20, 2007, verablue (106)By person wrote:

    its amazing how many hate crimes still happen. no matter how modern society gets, there will still be those few ignorant assholes. strong write, loved the vivid descriptions.

  • carlosjackal On Thursday, January 11, 2007, carlosjackal (2787)By person wrote:

    *sits up and takes note* *clickety..click.click.click*

  • A former member wrote: powerful. it sticks like a nail in the brain. loved it.

  • island warrior On Monday, January 8, 2007, island warrior (210)By person wrote:

    A reflection of the scary world we live in.

  • A former member wrote: Man this is a shitty thing to have happen. This was a good write none the less but made me wince with pain. ~Bry~

  • Alanarchy On Monday, January 8, 2007, Alanarchy (1168)By person wrote:

    Horrible, man. The story gave me chills, especially tha lines about how the cops discribed your teeth "strewn across the sidewalk like stars spread over the sky." Wicked, man. Kudos on an excellent contribution.

  • anakronistik_me On Saturday, January 6, 2007, anakronistik_me (24)By person wrote:

    it was painful to read. bigotry will never leave this world...it really sucks. but i'm pretty sure it's true. -_ nakro _-

  • anakronistik_me On Saturday, January 6, 2007, anakronistik_me (24)By person wrote:

    i tried to reply to my earlier comment but it wouldn't work...i just realised that this is definitely true to me... being a lesbian and all. damnit. now i want to cry. this poem has definitely affected me. -_ nakro_-

  • anakronistik_me On Saturday, January 6, 2007, anakronistik_me (24)By person wrote:

    now i feel stupid.

  • Aunty Depressant On Thursday, January 11, 2007, Aunty Depressant (423)By person wrote:

    Onisti is the best policy...;P I relate to your take... and today I feel stupid too

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