Kelli, I still miss you
By Kitty_LostInHerOwnMind
If I think hard enough
I can remember your voice
Your laugh
I can remember you being by my side
Being my best friend
It's been almost a year
Since the friendship I valued more then anything in the world
Could it have really been that long ago
That we were laughing together
Crying together
Talking to each other about anything and everything
And now
We don't even talk at all
I try to contact you
But you keep on rejecting me
Sending the message that you don't want me around
That the friendship I would die to have again
Didn't mean shit to you
Was I ever really your best friend?
Were those smiles real?
Those plans for the future
Living next to each other
Death before depends
Being friends until existence didn't exist
Did that mean anything to you?
I'm not mad
Still hurt
I miss you even now
Still knowing that I can't see you
I can't talk to you
Confide in you
It's more than just wanting what I can't have
It's missing what I lost
Aries, please come back to me
Show me that love that you showed me
Show me that I can trust again
Show me that I have a best friend again
Comments on "Kelli, I still miss you"
On Sunday, October 22, 2006, Aunty Depressant
(423) wrote:
hmmmm... know the feeling...but convenient,...not usually possible with the more than intermittment unavailable...or those incapable of forgiveness. Unfortunately, in my realm of experience, happens more often than I would like...but maybe for the better.
A former member wrote:
i cant believe that love is present laughter is the past
and death is in the future
this sounds like me
i like this poem alot