Answer my... Hope
By Nail Bunny
Answer my questions.
If you must, tell me lies
bring out the scales to cover my eyes
Speak to me.
Answer my calls
put me off if you must
spurn me as an unwanted object of lust
listen to me
Answer my addresses.
pretend that you care
do whatever it takes, get me out of your hair
acknowledge me
Answer my pleas
just glance my way
I'll gladly cling to any word you say
notice me.
I have been faithful,
unswercing and true.
Pledged to no other,
yet abandoned by you.
*Author's note: Contrary to popular belief,
this was not written to an ex-girlfriend.
Unauthorized Copying Is Prohibited.
Ask the author first.
© 2006 Nail Bunny
Published on Friday, April 28, 2006.
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Comments on "Answer my... Hope"
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A former member wrote:
it was good, i liked it. it sucks losing people expecially when your not ready. bu then again when is anyone ready to lose someone they love?
On Saturday, April 29, 2006, Thorn
(282) wrote:
I liked it when I first read it in your notebook, I still like it now.
A former member wrote:
This was awesome. If this was written for someone you lost then I'd say I can relate..
On Saturday, April 29, 2006, Dissolving Poet
(560) wrote:
This just refused to let me go, that your holding onto something that aint' really there, to begin with this was just amazing
On Friday, April 28, 2006, PoeticHellion
(191) wrote:
Christ Jake, I can actually sit here and read your poetry and *gasp* not loose interest like I do with so many other people. Well done. I like it a lot a lot.