Suddenly I See...
By Crimson Shade
Suddenly I see what lies beneath your eyes,
Was it my compromise that bred your lies?
Suddenly I see that you take and never give,
Was that the way I’m supposed to live?
Suddenly I see that I have been abused,
Was it my innocence that you used?
Suddenly you see that I’ve been crying,
It was because I was trying.
Suddenly I see that you were the pain inside of me,
That is why I’m leaving you for me.
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© 2006 Crimson Shade
Published on Thursday, February 16, 2006.
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Comments on "Suddenly I See..."
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On Thursday, February 22, 2007, Mnemora
(7) wrote:
I'm kinda new to dp, but this is definitly one of the most inspiring works I've read here.(moth bows, humbled)
On Saturday, October 14, 2006, TaintedButterfly
(653) wrote:
I miss you, friend.
On Saturday, May 20, 2006, The Crimson Queen
(917) wrote:
I really liked this, I felt a bit of my own life wrapped up within it's few lines. The ending being one of such strength, to be able to walk away from something. This was incredible!
On Wednesday, April 5, 2006, TaintedButterfly
(653) wrote:
I'm reading this again.... You just have such a beautiful way of putting emotions down. It touches my soul so profoundly. I hope all is well m'dear. *hugs* ♥Julia~
On Monday, February 27, 2006, darkdesires
(139) wrote:
wow... powerful... and has corny as it sounds... I can feel this dead on. I love how you can actually articulate this so beautifully.
On Wednesday, February 22, 2006, Future of Despond
(72) wrote:
Where better to look for friends than in yourself?
On Monday, February 20, 2006, island warrior
(210) wrote:
Ended on a positive note.
On Friday, February 17, 2006, TaintedButterfly
(653) wrote:
omg Crim! That is so touching and utterly saddened my soul. Sometimes it's hard to do things for ourselves. You should be proud hun. This is bittersweet. Beautiful just like you. *hugs* Julia~
On Thursday, February 16, 2006, Dissolving Poet
(560) wrote:
Awwww*Hugs Crimson* that was beautiful and sad and full of sorrow it made my heart cry out for you