Once again
By Kitty_LostInHerOwnMind
Once again
I am lost
Once again
I am searching
Searching for what?
You may ask
Well I wish I could tell you
If I knew I would
But arn't we all searching?
Searching for a person
A thing
A dream
A life
Isn't searching what mortals
Are destined to eternally do?
If we weren't searching
What would we be
Maybe we're reaching
Reaching for a star
For the sky
For a goal
A dream
But we just don't know what it is
So we're searching
For what the dream might be
Always searching
For happiness
I know something that I'm searching for
Is what the hell is wrong with me?
When will I feel
Like I belong?
When will life
Seem like it's not a hell?
Or maybe I'm searching
For what you and I will be
Will we ever be anything?
Or will we just rot
Never knowing what we're searching for
But just searching
In a tunnel with no light at the end
Will nothing to help you
To guide you
To save you when you need help
To pick you up when you fall
Because what were really searching for
We have to search for on our own
Maybe, just maybe
We're all just searching
For a home
A place to feel peace
To feel loved
To feel like you're not alone
In the end
We're all seaching
For that one thing
That we need
To be complete.