The Dark Book

By Ablebody Peckawood

It was an evil, wicked book. The pages looked and felt unreal.
No one knew the chaos and darkness that it would inflict on ones soul, that happened to open this "dark book". Emptiness, madness. Thoughts of revenge. Would creep up on you in an instant and leave you in despair. Whispers deep within ones mind, would graduate into a chorus of lunacy.
Next comes a psychotic episode. Violent pacifications are enforced. After being subdued, and fail to conform. They cast you into the madhouse. Where one is subjected to the tortures of the damned, and exposed to the most violent perversions that one could ever concieve on his own. All the while being constantly reminded that one more episode will send you to the house of descention forever!
After what seems like an eternity a new day dawns. You are released! Doomed to make your own way in this wicked, filthy world.
Will you succeed in conformity? Or will you make the same mistakes, fall for the same clever tricks. The jackals of the street continuosly perform on the trusting and ill-informed citizens, of a backward society? Which choice will you make? My advice to all is LEAVE THE DARKBOOK ALONE. Don't let it seduce you and lead your life to rack and ruin.

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Copyright 2005 Ablebody Peckawood
Published on Friday, May 27, 2005.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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  • InsipidTouch On Monday, May 30, 2005, InsipidTouch (32)By person wrote:

    That's awesome. Your style of writing is very... straight forward. I love it. The way you write keeps me interested and never bored. It's great

  • A former member wrote: I like the way this is written.....very vivid....I think somebody might be a fan of Lovecraft

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