Love U so, So I let U go
By aXe FactoR
(if you love a person, set him free, if he's meant to be yours, he would
come back to you eventually)
One more hour before we embrace daybreak
Though I never want our time together to end
We sat side-by-side, along the beach
The sea frozen in silence, as of our conversation
I took one last glance at your face
Those eyes that I would still get lost within, I see them
The sparks that used to sizzle, now fizzled
& the cool breeze caressing our faces
Bringing away with it our past
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Love U so, So I let U go
I wouldn't bear to hinder U
Go run, fly free
Chase your love
Chase your dreams
Love U so, So I let U go
To see you smiling again
To see you gain happiness
Would be my only consolation
I guess she's the perfect one for U
I'm not as gentle or mature
I guess I could make things easier
I would take a trip back through history
Revert us back to the days where we were just good friends
We could still meet & talk sometime, on amiable terms :)
U wouldn't have to feel so caught up now,
Being trapped in this endless love-triangle
A heart broken, is none compared to three
So I willingly step out of this
I wouldn't harbor hard feelings.
Love U so, So I let U go
I wouldn't bear to hinder U
Go, run, fly free
Chase your love
Chase your dreams
Love U so, So I let U go
To see you smiling again
To see you gain happiness
Would be my only consolation
You, embracing her in your arms
A wondrous & enticing sight
Even if I were to cry
It would most certainly be tears of happiness
Cos I believe fate brought us together once
In a world so vast, yet I still met you
A chance meeting, So I'm grateful
Even when this happiness is short-lived
It would still be happiness & no one could steal these memories
And even if we were not destined to be lovers
I'm still glad that we could be friends..
I really am
Love U so, So I let U go
I wouldn't bear to hinder U
Go, run, fly free
Chase your love
Chase your dreams
Love U so, So I let U go
To see you smiling again
To see you gain happiness
Would be my only consolation
No, there would be no bitter feelings
No, not at this time
To love & having to lose it
Is better than not loving at all
And though today,
I witnessed my heart's partial demise
I would still smile & carry on
I know that one-day,
This heart would be resurrected
As this heart has known how to love true
Comments on "Love U so, So I let U go"
On Thursday, April 14, 2005, Kinkypoptart
(555) wrote:
Very powerful poem. Very emotional and real. Love the flow... the write is amazing ~*~Tart~*~
On Wednesday, December 8, 2004, Daughter_Of_The_Moon
(106) wrote:
Wow, You captured a feeling I've had lately so well, it really hits down deep. Your writing describes the feelings behind them perfectly. I especially like this one for the advice that comes with it for me. Thanx
On Saturday, June 26, 2004, glasshouse
(530) wrote:
This was painful and liberating. Beautiful and tragic. I like it alot. I really do. -Glass
On Thursday, June 24, 2004, Delphoid-Q
(213) wrote:
This is so gentle, yet so strong. I love the balance and maturity that comes through in this piece ;)
On Monday, June 14, 2004, OLd SouL
(717) wrote:
"Love U so, So I let U go I wouldn’t bear to hinder U Go…run, fly free… Chase your love Chase your dreams…" I think that repeating verse made this. A suggestion though is that I would full spell out every word. Instead of U, you. Other th
On Monday, June 14, 2004, OLd SouL
(717) wrote:
at... Brav-freakin'-O! :::OLd
A former member wrote:
beautifully sad... i can relate to this very well... good job...
A former member wrote:
so real and I loved it. great job.
On Saturday, June 12, 2004, Johny_D_Lewis
(467) wrote:
So full of sadness..yet longing, the pain is so great, so real. You wrote this straight from your heart, and did a great job *hugz tight* ^_^
A former member wrote:
Delicate and tenderly written...I'll remember this one for quite some time because of the emotions and memories it evoked in me. **June**