Dark Red
By Jenni
Running it along my skin,
Loving the way the cold metal feels.
I push it in,
Dragging it slowly,
Feeling the warm liquid seep slowly out,
Running down my arm,
The dark red staining the floor beneath me.
Pushing it in further,
Doing it again,
And again.
It's all over now,
This dark liquid.
It just keeps coming,
More and more.
But it feels so good,
To release my anger,
Just like this.
I switch arms now,
My dark, sticky hand
Taking the razor,
Shaking with excitement.
And I do it again,
Insert it in my vein,
Sitting back I watch it,
Running out faster now,
All over my clothes,
But its not enough yet.
I want more,
It's like an addiction,
But better.
I'm feeling light headed now,
Maybe from this loss of fascinating liquid,
That refuses to stop.
It smells so good,
It's overpowering me.
I cut again,
And then some more,
I need this.
Comments on "Dark Red"
A former member wrote:
OMG's that was fucking awesome you did a great job amd i can so relate to it great write
On Sunday, May 6, 2007, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
This really made me feel nauseated, which means you did a fantastic job and acts as warning to others who think 'cutting' is 'cool'. Brilliant write -Carl
A former member wrote:
That's... creepy, yet I love it. Such a related feeling... Feels too friendly...
On Monday, June 7, 2004, blackdarkness
(227) wrote:
hummm...this one is filled with emotion
On Monday, May 31, 2004, WikidGrrl
(26) wrote:
im inside your head on this one...i love your work
On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, Rebel_Angel
(321) wrote:
WoW...I'm a little scared here...
A former member wrote:
Wow, I understand where u r at, Good Poetry ..
On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, K_Love
(525) wrote:
I like it lots, I can relate.. beautiful keep going. ~Kirsten~
On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, Beautiful Scars
(175) wrote:
Very nice, I am looking forward to the end...-fairy-