Dinner for Two
By Commander_Cadaver
It's been awhile,
I think to myself as I lead
Tonight's date into the
Candlelit dining room.
The aroma of vegetables
And a pork roast fill the room,
Causing my mouth to water.
I look into her wide brown eyes
As she takes in the sight
Of it all.
My heart skips as she smiles
And jumps up and down excitedly.
"Hopefully it looks and feels
I wanted tonight to be unforgettable."
She kisses my cheek and hugs
Me tightly before taking a seat.
Huh, I guess I won't have to use
Too many manners tonight.
Still, I gently push her chair in
And pour her a glass of pink mascato.
Before I could even turn around,
She downs the wine in a hurry.
Tonight will be easier than I thought.
I make my way to the kitchen,
Grab the cast iron pan the vegetables
Were sitting in at a low heat.
Quietly, I walk up to her left side,
Place a few of the vegetables
Onto her plate.
Before making my way over to my seat,
I dump the contents of the pan
Onto the floor and crack the broadside
Of the pan over her skull.
She comes to, groaning as she opens
Her eyes and notices me sipping
Some wine.
I watch as she tries to raise her hands
Up to her head and smile once
She realizes that her limbs are tied down.
"Sorry for the bump on the head.
I was going to wait until the wine
Did its magic buuut I'm a little hungry
At the moment."
I rise from my seat and grab a serrated
Knife, dragging the tip of it over
The table cloth.
"Please don't fret, I promise this dinner
For two will be the last dinner
You'll ever attend."
Before she could scream, I stuff her
Mouth with a cloth napkin,
Making sure that she can't spit it out.
The knife plunges into her side,
Just below the rib,
And carves its way down towards
Her pelvic area.
The knife slices back up towards
Her breasts before sliding out of her.
Blood pours from the wound,
The iron Tang of it filling the air.
I take a long breath in,
Enjoying the scent of it.
I run a hand over her slick abdomen
As her body convulses.
My hand slides into the laceration
And I start to disembowel her.
Her vital organs fall to the floor,
Making a soft splat sound as they hit.
My hand grabs onto a large organ and
Rips a part of it out of her.
Chuckling to myself, I take a bite of the
Piece of plump liver and chew on it
As my body shivers in excitement.
I look down at the pale corpse and calmly
Say, "thank you for this dinner for two."