The clock is ticking, I'm losing my sanity
By Alectozere
The clock is ticking, never ending
L'horloge est brisée, à jamais arrêtée
One day I'll wake up, but not see the day
Haha c'est marrant, j'ai cru rêver
Rêves ou réalités, lesquels sont plus sensés?
How is a dream less real than reality?
I'm losing my mind, je perds la tête
What is reality, what is it made of?
Est-ce que c'est mangeable? Paraît que c'est léthal..
Small doses will kill you and big ones as well
Pourquoi boire le poison quand on connaît la fin?
La fin inchangée, sans antidote
Tick.. Tock.. the clock keeps ticking
Et s'écoule la vie, le temps sans merci
L'ennui infini
Slowly killing me
Rires.. ou pleurs? Quelle différence?
Laugh, cry, whatever suits you
The end stays the same
Why drink the poison when you know how it ends?
L'horloge tic, et tac, et tic, et tac
Une nuit je dormirai et ne verrai pas le jour
Sounds crazy to you, sounds crazy to me
La folie n'est qu'une illusion
But is an illusion less real than reality?
Crazyness is a delusion.
Mais une délusion est une illusion
Only the sky remains
Flashing stars, étoiles des cieux
Brillez pour moi, j'ouvre mes yeux
Mes yeux se ferment, I'm falling down
Not like a shooting star, but like a dying tree
Author's Note:
it was 4:12 am and the birds were quietComments on "The clock is ticking, I'm losing my sanity"
On Wednesday, August 28, 2019, sadistic intent hex
(206) wrote:
the mixture of the language kept me reading so intently love the play on the wording. well done hope to read more.
On Thursday, June 27, 2019, Sudos
(147) wrote:
I hope nothing was lost in translation because this was a very good read! Welcome to DP!
On Thursday, June 27, 2019, Alectozere
(22) wrote:
haha thanks you very much, the goal of having this in two different languages is actually to tell two slightly different stories depending on the language, which are also linked if you speak both ^^'