Where dreamcatchers meet stars and golden butterflies float
By Dark Unicorn
And if tonight
The moon won't let you sleep
We can melt into the smoke
Of our burning incense
And slip
In and out
Of their dreamcatchers
Until they can fall asleep
Or the night has become a distant
Until midnight dries up
And dawn stains the quiet sky with
29 shades of wilted dreams.
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Copyright 2014 Dark Unicorn
Author's Note:
This is so different from what I usually write,like galaxies away.As I always say I go where the inspiration takes me and if it leads me from the darkness I will delve into whatever path it chooses.My self-expression,your enjoyment...hopefully.Comments on "Where dreamcatchers meet stars and golden butterflies float"
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On Saturday, July 26, 2014, Pride Ed
(107) wrote:
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Very beautiful. Very magical/
On Friday, February 6, 2015, Dark Unicorn
(49) wrote:
Why thank you.I'm glad you enjoyed it:)
On Thursday, January 15, 2015, Dark Unicorn
(49) wrote:
thank you so much.sorry took so long to reply.been having major problems with my account.
A former member wrote:
Wow.. This piece is so sweet, dark and beautiful!.. "We can melt into smoke of our burning incense"..oh! Just amazing.. Becoming one essence.. :)
On Monday, June 16, 2014, poe_lover28
(163) wrote:
a beautiful poem..maybe a galaxy away but still just as breathtaking. being able to write different ways and still making a beautiful piece is real talent.
On Monday, June 16, 2014, Dark Unicorn
(49) wrote:
Thank you for taking the time to read this poe.Your input is always valued.
On Sunday, June 15, 2014, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
Beautiful piece with a wonderful flow to it. Ciao, T/S
On Monday, June 16, 2014, Dark Unicorn
(49) wrote:
Thank you very much.It really means a lot to me.
A former member wrote:
Beautiful. I will sleep good tonight
On Sunday, June 15, 2014, Dark Unicorn
(49) wrote:
Oh thank you.I am more glad for your peaceful slumber.