Sir Dark Night
By silentninja
Another timeless dark night
Another time Sir Dark Knight
That be said at that round table
For you were known before
Before being merely hours now gone
Oh Dark Knight
what has it been, become of our world
Those slippery shadows your children now fear
the moon no longer 'tis be the one to guide us
Where we hide like the animals of the night
Where do our young days go?
The sandman makes us age ever so
As I often do not sleep
The sandman argues with me during the day
and he's always an awkward soul
Does he never yet to rest?
Sir Dark Knight
Bring me a horse
My enitire kingdom for a horse
As I listen to the Ocean
As the white horses shall lap the shore
Oh does your night
Turn ever so cold
And is just with that man on the moon
Have we offended him that much?
He now no longer talks
Dark Knight
With your black armour
and over zealous manner
I pity you
You are ever so lonely
More lonely than I ever could be
With the vampires, wolves, ghosts, and goblins
We offer for your company
Only to fear them ourselves
It's no wonder you get lonely
You only arrive when it's time to sleep
I will talk with you Sir Dark Knight
like me you are so misunderstood
We can talk till Dawn
When Dawn arrives
Where do you go?
It's ever so rude of you Dark Knight
Dawn only wants to say hello.