By daiglepoems
I, myself, have not experienced the incidents that have made you an individual.
Nonetheless, I know how best to deal with them.
I am a trained professional.
I have worked with people like you for years.
I know whereof I speak.
I know what makes you tick.
You've been blinded by the light, to
the light.
You would never have known that you were sick.
arrived in the nick of time.
I've been trained by experts in
the field.
I've succeeded where others have failed.
To question
me, or my methods, is merely a symptom of your illness.
Though it
cannot be helped, it will not be tolerated.
I am here to help you.
To relieve you of the burden of having to think for yourself.
are in no condition to engage in such a task.
Simply do as I say.
Everything will be fine.
Your condition has been studied.
It has been researched.
This program has been designed with your
own best interests in mind.
You will come to see that everyting you
know is incorrect
You will hear things that aggravate your condition.
You will experience feelings that are unpleasant.
You will learn
to accept things previously unacceptable.
You will find that you
are your own worst enemy.
In time you will surrender.
will acquire faith in the inconceivable.
You will believe the unbelievable.
You will know the unknowable
And you will be able to prove it.
It will become second nature.
You will find the need to share it.
You will encourage those in need of your insights to do as you have done
for you too will have become an expert.
You will learn to identify
shortcomings in others as symptomatic confirmation of illness.
will be able to help seemingly healthy people know the truth:
they are sick.
That they are in the throes of devastation.
That they are in dire need of your expertise.
That their condition
will never subside of its own volition.
That you know whereof you
That they are helpless.
That they are powerless.
if left to their own devices they will self-destruct.
And if that
won't keep you sober,
Nothing will.
Author's Note:
Rarely have we seen someone fail who [does as they are told}Comments on "Surrender"
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, dwells
(4177) wrote:
Michael Savage and his sheeple perhaps, right-on Marty! Happiness is only a figment of our twisted imaginations - just ask the masterminds who seek to control us by crashing the system. Well said sir, cheers!
A former member wrote:
I like this
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, daiglepoems
(95) wrote:
I do too. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, Clydes_Bonnie
(53) wrote:
Great write I really enjoyed the perspective of this. I think I know this feeling very well.
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, daiglepoems
(95) wrote:
Nothing is more provocative than brutal honesty but it seems that the only ones who want to hear it are those speaking it. Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the comment.dp