
By alex herewane

Afraid of winning , afraid of losing, claim the middle ground and fall down slowly
thats better than burning out in a blaze of glory, here and gone like a radio song
I have this yearning, this longing and it aches all day long
Come dance with me baby till the moon is drunk and the stars are gone
I'm in love with hope and I hope that you stay
Come on, dance with me, the night is getting away

Did you step in line are you your father your brother your wife your lover your friend
Do you steal little bits from each and call it your life
One eye green and one eye blue, she tears down worlds and builds them anew
She says it's just an image I sneaking in, a vision of love Iv'e included you in
The real world can't hurt you anymore I've trapped it on face book and slammed the door
I came to show you the scars at the end of my pen
I am the one you come to but I am not your friend
I am in love with hope and I hope that you stay
Come on  women dance with me the night is getting away

 I am just one of millions gagging to survive driven by glamour and envy
sex, drugs and the life blood of man, money 
I only know whats happening to me by the meaning I put to it
I only know the meaning of what I do by the me thats in it
but they strap suicide machines to my chest,
enforce there rules to protect those that can't do what I do
leaving me here to blindly stand and ask again
come dance with me baby
, I'm in love with hope
  I hope you can stay
say yes,
dance with me
 the night is getting away

you share my life but talk to me like I'm a stranger
my sleeves are made of glass so I can see both sides of my heart
nothing has life until we acknowledge it exsists not me,not you
or her with her sun powered dominion.
 there is no art without some kind of risk
language laughs and cries at the flat image in the mirror
 you paint your face, change your world and dress for the night
I'm in love with hope and I hope that you stay
come dance with me 
don't let the night get away

Come dance with me , the night is getting away


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Copyright 2011 alex herewane
Published on Saturday, January 22, 2011.     Filed under: "Poetry"

Author's Note:

how the outside world and the influence of others effect what we are doing
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Comments on "Untitled"

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  • A former member wrote: beside the uniqueness of the message, the delivery here is marvelous too... I felt instantly uplifted by your words, it just connects to my emotions on an integral level that cannot be explained.

  • Meadowhawk On Saturday, January 22, 2011, Meadowhawk (163)By person wrote:

    Very enjoyable read. Nicely written.

  • Malcholm Dark On Saturday, January 22, 2011, Malcholm Dark (807)By person wrote:

    great prose written here... come dance with me, don't let the night get away... I'm in love with hope and I hope you stay... fantastic lines... thanks for sharing

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