
By theXkevorkian


                        I close my eyes to

                      transidental explosions

                      of all light and color

              the expanse of  darkness is profound

                        synapsis firing

                 as the euphonix tickle my ears

                          So hypnotic

                      the breadth of sound

                eyes drifting from side to side

                as the wave penetrates my ears

                      in a rotary motion

                      expansive delusion

                     an ambivalent suprise

                   the blanket of my pillow

                     recounting the lies

                   repetitive arpegiation

                  making the cognitive grow

                 where silence meets melody

                    unambiguous the flow

                  sublingual and resonant

                        the voice
                        from afar

                    keeping my choice

                       and vagary

                    revealing my scars

                     it 's cold outside

                      I  am alive ?!?

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Copyright 2010 theXkevorkian
Published on Wednesday, February 17, 2010.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Newsom"

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  • Dilated View On Saturday, September 22, 2012, Dilated View (582)By person wrote:

    The visuals used here left me feeling like I was dreaming vivid chaos and, at the end, waking with a start. Each line strung me along as if against my will. Chaotically wonderful :)

  • keltruth7 On Monday, July 26, 2010, keltruth7 (18)By person wrote:

    woah, i want to read this over and over and then again!

  • Malcholm Dark On Tuesday, March 2, 2010, Malcholm Dark (806)By person wrote:

    Wow, that poem is alive! The you write the visuals are some of the best I've seen. Thank-you.

  • Meadowhawk On Wednesday, February 17, 2010, Meadowhawk (160)By person wrote:

    Beautifully worded. Flows nicely.

  • A former member wrote: This was soothing and peaceful, yet a darkness there. Lovely piece. =)

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