Reaching Out to Nothing

By Vexed

Deep into the night,
I feel longing take route
To reach out my hand
And have someone take it.

Knowing that no one is there
I hold back the urge
To reach out to a ghost
Of a non-existant memory.

My life has been spent
Deep in solitude
Where no one has thought
To try and reach me.

Watching the Return of the King
Causes my longing to increase
As everyone finds happiness
In one form or another.

Spending time with my friend
As well as her boyfriend
Causes jealousy to well up,
As well as a deep routed loneliness.

My Shadow keeps me company,
Playful though he is,
Keeping me from sleeping
But he cannot dispel loneliness

Even the one whom I love
Cannot reach across the distance
To comfort me, pr rid me of the darkness
That I know encompasses all.

There is no one to hold me,
No one to comfort me,
No one to be there for me,
Not anymore for they all disappeared;
Disappeared into the deep night.

Crying into the night,
Releasing my despair
With anguished screams
Knowing that no one will answer,
That no one can answer my call.

For barely a week,
Joy had lifted the darkness
And reminded me of life,
And what it feels like to live.

Lost is that feeling,
Consumed by misery and sorry;
Consumed by confusion
And a sense of being lost once more.

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© 2007 Vexed
Published on Tuesday, August 7, 2007.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Reaching Out to Nothing"

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  • urbanhumility On Tuesday, August 7, 2007, urbanhumility (1167)By person wrote:

    your words resonate strongly........your words echo......well done

  • A former member wrote: i like the melancholyness(is that a word?) of this poem. i like being able to understand it. good write.

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