Comments by All Members

  • "I love how your necklace lies so delicately across your fragile you appear, as I know you are...and you wither with the wind, growing even more lovely as it sighs...simply enchanting you are."
    Posted by Unknown on "melodrama in grey" by KittyStryker
  • "I'm such a sucker for black and white photos, I personally think its impossible to look bad in them....and you make this one very beautiful... >Raven<"
    Posted by Ravenblade on "melodrama in grey" by KittyStryker
  • "Oh wow, Kitty. This is stunning. This is the kind of piture I would love to have hanging in my home. So beautiful. Your just so serene. I think the word I'm looking for is ethereal."
    Posted by Drea on "melodrama in blue" by KittyStryker
  • "Very sexy....someday we definately have to get together for remind me a lot of my friend Melissa in this picture but thats another story... >Raven<"
    Posted by Ravenblade on "melodrama in blue" by KittyStryker
  • "loser is such a harsh word I'd rather be called dork or deeb or nerd or point dexter or Saul yes Saul I think I'd like to be a Saul -Saul"
    Posted by Unknown on "a list from a loser" by KittyStryker
  • "Oh man.. this really is familiar. it's shocking to read something that's so close to home.. you've worded this perfectly. I'm sorry for your pain, this killed me. Amazing work."
    Posted by Lynaes on "fuck" by KittyStryker
  • "Oh dear Kitty...But I thought you said this time would be different?...DP mail me if you wish to talk because I do know EXACTLY how you feel xx "
    Posted by Mademoiselle_Minx on "fuck" by KittyStryker
  • "frighteningly familiar...I can cure the ills here, can you cure them there? If not, knowing how horrible this feeling is, I tell you to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction from whoever....even if it's yourself you're running from..."
    Posted by Unknown on "fuck" by KittyStryker
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