Comments by All Members

  • "Humans are but piles of flesh and bone acting as a society because truth is, we all have to live together. But everyone tries to cheat the system...make it easier on themselves...well that attitude creates failure should all follow its mentality."
    Posted by Unknown on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "its really kinda hard to read this cause its like someone is writing my life. it hurts, but the rawness is beautiful. its wierd i love the write even though its slightly painful to read"
    Posted by Morbid_insanity on "imperfect" by KittyStryker
  • "In Psych 301, the prof. was telling us about the time his wife was in a plane, and a woman started choking. She said "this woman is choking!" (she wasn't near her) and people just ignored her (She eventually got up to do the Heimlich maneuver). Afterwards, people went to thank her, but they weren't going to do anything since there were so many other people on the plane. Responsibility gets diluted."
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "The story is famous because there were witnesses; but my point wasn't that people inherently don't care, it's that as the number of witnesses increase, the number of people who actually do something decreases, it is a proven fact. In the end, no one does anything and people die."
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "True- delving into it deeper, there were no witnesses for the entire thing, though there were witnesses for at least stabbings 1 and 2. However, even so, many people did end up hearing her and not helping because they thought it was a lover's quarrel. And I've seen it on the street, too- a man punches a woman in the face and people glance and then glance away, only to hurry on."
    Posted by KittyStryker on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "similar to what happen to my surrogate mother. kidnapped .... tortured for two days... beaten ...multiple stab wounds to the chest.. throat slashed... 'medieval ritualistic murder' ... basically butchered... then dump in a river bed. (long story short -the Nuremberg Trials set a strict precedence for witnesses that fail to act). humans are despicable animals."
    Posted by elisa on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "Or, how the reporter spun the story more likely. It looks like it's equally plausible that it was 3am and nobody was awake to notice, or assumed the sounds were cats or something else. Once the story was out all perceptions changed."
    Posted by DarkPoet on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "As Velvet said, Psych. has used what happened to her and others to justify and attempt to explain societies mass misconceptions. The question that remained for me was, why is academia only focusing on the knowledge they gain, instead of educating us on the solutions to prevent such occurrences in the future. Well spun Bast. ~T"
    Posted by Mistress Shadow on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "so this is based on a true account? What happened sounds like someone was maimed whilst others just stood and watched. It's hard for many to comprehend the ramifications of getting involved when another is in real jeopardy; people scream "mind your business when they are simply yeling in the street - the quote as a lead describes exactly the circumstances of what happens when we don't interject, when the world is subject to these kind of damaging moments.."
    Posted by The Zebra Warrior on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "I first heard of her in my Social Psych class. You can find many justifications for what happened, but it doesn't stop the fact that it was so... wrong, and unbelievable. Even now I'm puzzled. What were those people thinking?!"
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "its not about my masculinity or his, its about the disrespect to me for how i look, and my reaction was to walk away fromit, not say a word, write it down and go on with my night, if that isn't shrugging it off the i dont know what is miss Bast -symph-"
    Posted by Rebel tiGer King on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • "the point i shot out is that, i too am different, an old biker metal head of sorts, and i too get the stares of the norm or decent pplo, but nothing gave him the right to judge ME for how i look, specially cause i could care less what his ignorant opinion is caus ei do what i do for my queen and family, not to impress others, and i dont go around disrespecting ppl for the way they look, so out of all ppl he shouldn't do it to me -symph-"
    Posted by Rebel tiGer King on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • " got it; Matt snuck that update in on me while I was asleep...thanks for pointing out my laziness... ;)"
    Posted by SilentStalker on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • "...duh; he gave us a description of the guy so we know who to not wear leather vests and oily torn jeans around...that wasn't obvious to you...? I got that point right away..."
    Posted by SilentStalker on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • "Science has proven, sometimes to their own dismay, that homosexuality is just as natural as heterosexuality, and it's reflected in the animal and insect kingdom."
    Posted by KittyStryker on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • "No, this is more about a few things- the comments on his work, his reflection of how one type of masculinity is somehow more valid than another (because otherwise, why point out how someone is dressed?) and that truly, I think the manly thing to do is to brush off that sort of thing because you KNOW who you are, who cares what someone else says?"
    Posted by KittyStryker on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • "You know, I tried to link it but couldn't find the tab... ah well. And it's more a response to some of the comments, though considering Tiger's outfit description, he too would fit in at the leather bars of SF..."
    Posted by KittyStryker on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
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