Comments by All Members
- "I think you're wrong. I also think that it's incredibly selfish to try to keep someone on this world if they don't want to be here. Suicide isn't for pussies. If you see a cancer patient crying in her hospital room, do you tell her to suck it up? I'd hope not. It's the same thing here. Just a metaphorical cancer that some people are strong enough to find the chemo for."
Posted by Doll Eyes on "Incredible Cliche" by Im_going_to_cry_now
- "I hate how when you say something everybody takes it offensively..I mean, people are just way too damn girly about some shit"
Posted by Unknown on "my apology" by Im_going_to_cry_now
- " know, you really don't have to keep this up forever...long forgiven, and you've been cool, so let it die...I'm sure any other person would agree...if they don't, they're stupid..."
Posted by SilentStalker on "my apology" by Im_going_to_cry_now
- "This is a wonderfully graphic little tale... I was listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata while reading this, and it lent a creepy, melancholy tone to your words, enhancing them beyond the page they were written on... lovely.."
Posted by Raven on "The Entrails Story" by Im_going_to_cry_now
- "would have to be to completely override your will to live? To drive you to the point that not only do you no linger have the will to live, but in fact have the will to die, to take your own life, something that our very nature screams against."
Posted by Lord Kalgalath on "Incredible Cliche" by Im_going_to_cry_now
- "+looks at Elises comment and sighs+ Unless you have been to the point that nothing was stopping you from opening a vien to end the pain You have no call to say that, it looks that way from the outside yes. But have you ever thought how terrible the pain w"
Posted by Lord Kalgalath on "Incredible Cliche" by Im_going_to_cry_now