Comments by All Members
- "this is strangely attracting. blue is right on the money when saying this is obscure..."
Posted by darkdesires on "Q&A" by odetobarbie
- "Huh?!? I don't know what this meant but.. DAMN! I liked it.. obscurity? I think so ;) I Loved the first stanza.. ~b"
Posted by blue on "Q&A" by odetobarbie
- "if I knew how to link I would, you are wonderful. . . I think I'll ask, more people should be reading your stuff. it is fucking amazing. a simple glory , a deep gold. "
Posted by BeautifulCalamity on "Butter Flies" by odetobarbie
- "whoa, absolutely amazing. grasping.. gaping.. drew me in completely. "through endless concrete tunnels white pill faces ghetto playgrounds.." , your imagery is .. intriguing. "
Posted by BeautifulCalamity on "prescription" by odetobarbie
- ""ego preaching prose touch skin
already drowned by millions". . you are quite the honest writer, I think I see the point. the stiffness of the words adds to the bluntness of the poem, ending in a nice write. "
Posted by BeautifulCalamity on "The Poet" by odetobarbie
- "I really don't recall what I was thinking when I left my first comment, not sure if you got it either, but I see the images clearly now, reflected in the reality of sitting here, typing... "
Posted by Unknown on "The Poet" by odetobarbie
- "So you don't know when you wrote this eh? Very thought provoking stuff. I suppose then that this has to do mostly with futility (?) Anywho, good read, very very thought provoking. Thanks for the heads up."
Posted by Unknown on "Concerning: Poetry Schmoetry" by odetobarbie
- "everyone seems to be posting really good poetry today.I found this conjuring up some quite interesting imagery in my head.Amazing.LOVE"
Posted by Unknown on "The Perfect Pen" by odetobarbie
- "Hey there, long time no see, thanks for the kisses. ;) I wanted to say that I liked this, it seemed more coherent to me, much less cryptic than I usually find your work. the contrast is great, strong finish, good stand. I look forward to hearing more "
Posted by Unknown on "Some of One" by odetobarbie