Comments by All Members

  • "This is great! I really connect to this, probably not how it was intended. Sadly it makes me think of my brother, how he's dealing with life right now. It's been almost 8 years since i last saw him. Thank you for this it is an amazing write!!!"
    Posted by Unknown on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Thank you so much for the kind comment on this, and for the inspiration. Part two may likely take a turn towards a little freaky. I'm working on it now, Thanks again..."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
  • "I'm glad I was able to inspire you to make this in a way. I absolutely love this because for one, I have self esteem issues which means mirrors aren't my friends as it is. This is a great poem and quite easy to read even at the length it is. Cant wait for part two. "
    Posted by Unknown on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
  • "Thanks a ton Dwells! I am venturing further in, but I forgot to bring the ball of twine LOL!! "Figment of my own reflection" just hit me as a nice closing, while I was standing in front of the mirror (talking to myself, shh, don't tell) looking for inspiration. I appreciate you commenting, thanx again..."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
  • ""A figment of my own reflection", wonderful line, and yet we are slaves to appearances in a judgmental world. Recommend a ball of twine before to wander inside too deeply, cheers Peyton!"
    Posted by dwells on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
  • "Thank you for commenting. I've been kinda weird around mirrors for awhile.....ever since that last acid trip...... The plot is that mirrors can be unfriendly in more ways than you'd think, and the story's not over yet...... Thanks for reading."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
  • "The line 'Backward and wrong side out, letter by letter, it reveals.' really stands out and breaks the flow by being different to previous lines and without a complement. I like the story and the way the poem as a whole flows. I don't feel so comfortable being in a room with so many mirrors now."
    Posted by Unknown on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
  • "Thank you, and yes regrets are hard to deal with. Especially when there are quite a few. Guess it's one thing we all have in common......."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Thanks queen666, you, like most of us, will gain your experience points soon enough. I just hope and wish for you more good points than bad. I'm still trying to manage more reading time, I could stay lost inside the works on this site for days on end!! Too bad I have to work............."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Thank you for that. A sweet release, yes. Pain never seems to go away completely, but tends to ease a little with each write. I'm working on a very DARK piece now, hope to have it ready soon. Guess I will use this style as my main focus......rhyme that flows out the story, seems to work. Thanks again for reading."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Wow.. dang this is quite painful yet beautifully penned with a perfect rhyme;) A sweet release to ease the pain, hopefully* Well done, Peyton !"
    Posted by blue angel on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "A beautiful poem. I, being a stupid little kid, know pretty much nothing about love, divorces, broken hearts and the like, but still, STILL I could feel that strain, that certain agony through every single word of this piece. You shouldnt need to worry about whether or not this poem is dark enough; it would fit beautifully on this site. Encore!"
    Posted by Unknown on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "I appreciate your kind words. maybe my next piece you'll like as well. thanks again for making me feel at home."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Thanks a bunch, you guys are great! I will be posting another piece today, hope it goes over as well. This is the style I adopted to use, I like the depth it gives to my thoughts......"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "This was very well put together. The flow and rhyme scheme were great. and don't worry about what others think, there's always going to be someone who doesn't like what we write, so why not just write whatever the hell we want? :p I look forward to reading more xoxo"
    Posted by xZombie Poptartzx on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Some wonderful couplets strung together with a sense of loss, yet perhaps inevitability. Quite mature and a fine intro to DP - welcome!"
    Posted by dwells on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "The rhyme scheme is quite good in this piece. It helps to set a very melancholy pace and helps it reverberate in the air when reading it. "My spirit once like the wild mustang -- free, untamed; Now lies all but completely broken -- crippled, maimed." That's my favourite couplet out of the whole piece. I just love the idea of anyone ever having been free and untamed like a wild mustang, even if you aren't now. Sometimes memories make a person rich when they would otherwise be very poor. Welcome to Dark Poetry, hope you stick around."
    Posted by Amaryllis on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
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