Comments by All Members

  • "Thank you for seeing my works :D It was kind of a first to me as well, took me a while to make this one. It was something I could make but it was more complex than usual I guess. Once more, thank you :D Please, see my other works, I think you will like :)"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "System Overload" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "I actually think this is really cool, reading it again this morning, so I bookmarked it and also hopefully it will bring more readers too! :D (That is if people actually look at other people's bookmarks~Haha)"
    Posted by Symbol on "System Overload" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Restless heart yes, it can never go quietly, it can never stop. It's a state of mind, a reality only understood by those who can witness it, others will fall in disbelief and mockery but I do mock them for their blindness. Thank you."
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Alchemy of Emotions" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Your restless heart is what causes the feeling of exhaustion and sometimes isolation. Others may view you as different, but really, they can never know the freedom you have.. Or its cost. "
    Posted by Unknown on "Alchemy of Emotions" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "The only word I have for this is...."Exactly.". Rendered from the most intrinsic parts of us is this. Bliss. Depths can be a curse, but the gift they bestow, in my opinion, is a new view of a world others could never see through their eyes; where colours are more vivid, where the silence between words means something. A world where every single movement causes a new thought wave in the oceanic experience of Self. Profound and of me, this. Thank you for speaking it out."
    Posted by Unknown on "Alchemy of Emotions" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "It wasn't that what I intended to do with this piece, but that's also very true and I have been through that situation quite soon. But then I realized that she didn't deserve even that special care but that way began the process to forget, when people prove to be idiots it gets easier to forget."
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Spasmodic Heart" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Altogether an amazing piece! Your words play across the imagination and invoke a sense of understanding. This work is strong and true like the beating of a heart."
    Posted by Unknown on "Spasmodic Heart" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Superb imagery. Brought up images of times in my life when I knew I needed to get away from a 'loved' one, but couldn't 'abandon' them. Welcome back stranger - good to see you posting again - XXOO"
    Posted by Nehema on "Spasmodic Heart" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "I see you really understood the poem and thank you for those words, they are refreshing. The last line it has a meaning, it's like... If my mother was dead before I was born, they I have no mother and so I was born from a paradox, an abomination is something that should not be due to the paradox.... Think you understand. "
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Motherless Abomination" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "You see her for what she is... and who she is. You are better. The demons you have created are a way to survive.. but you, my friend, are going to rise higher. You will be a light for others who live with the same hell. You will be a demon hunter of the mind. Freeing yourself and others from the ghosts in their heads. An intellectual who will be educated and also holds the trump card of experience. I have faith in you to become someone great. ...btw- the last line is bullshit...just well done"
    Posted by Invisible Girl on "Motherless Abomination" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Two things come through very clearly..the madness of this spiraling descent...and the compulsion to pursue it. The mood and tone effectively maintain the analytical frame of mind, and at the same time enforce the concept of rationalization by "insanity". And of course, the poem itself successfully transmits the seductive pull of depression. Very effective poem"
    Posted by Leineco on "The Tower of Madness" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "This one death is metaphorical is some way. She's not really dead, she's just insane, but in some way, she's does not longer exist, just this mental ill version of her. It's not that I hate her, I don't. But in some way she does not longer exist. I am sorry about your father, our parents are our foundations and when one of them is gone, we will feel the ground escaping from our feet"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Motherless Abomination" by Melancholic VIncent
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