Comments by All Members

  • "Your words always convey messages in such a visual manner. I agree with Ains, people tend to abuse faith, perhaps they feel their actions have no right to be questioned under such a guise? Write on."
    Posted by lupus tenebrae on "Shepherds and Wolves" by Meadowhawk
  • "well wrought metaphor... developed with all the sensitivity to symbolism that a poem could develop. Sometimes I wonder if anyone has any respect for the word anymore... as so many simply throw them around like broken toys... well done, and thank you for the vision."
    Posted by Unknown on "Shepherds and Wolves" by Meadowhawk
  • "Such amazingly barren visuals, all faith has fallen, hope is gone, a wasteland of a landscape was created through your words. "For even the angels have turned to dust" that line is the definition of hopeless, write on."
    Posted by lupus tenebrae on "Faith and Angel Dust" by Meadowhawk
  • "That was a genius script...such majestic tone filled with colorful notion of celestial tranquility..yet also seemed to bare a scent of travesty among its tapestry...the questions and depictions of the primordial glades of the hemispheres...a brilliant landscape...astounding structure created from this piece..the imagery cast upon the minds eye with ease...astounding hypnosis..a glistening synopses...a grand slam of a work"
    Posted by Eye of Minerva on "Faith and Angel Dust" by Meadowhawk
  • "Cold metal never tugged at my heart strings give everything such life, sorrow, and beauty. I tip my hat to you sir."
    Posted by Wiccad on "Quiet Suffering" by Meadowhawk
  • "Good lord, you my friend are the man... A well written piece of poetry... so sad and yet, so true... I have seen that very scene many times... age and time always wins its' battles... children grow up and move on... such a perfect feeling here within your words... not to be forgotten, thanks "
    Posted by Malcholm Dark on "Quiet Suffering" by Meadowhawk
  • "Good lord, you my friend are the man... A well written piece of poetry... so sad and yet, so true... I have seen that very scene many times... age and time always wins its' battles... children grow up and move on... such a perfect feeling here within your words... not to be forgotten, thanks "
    Posted by Malcholm Dark on "Quiet Suffering" by Meadowhawk
  • "Oh God...this is just too sad...lonely and aching...If you are lucky enough to still have your Mum her people!...thanks Meadowhawk"
    Posted by kinkifrog on "Quiet Suffering" by Meadowhawk
  • "Wow that was heartbreaking, the imagery was spot on, it made me imagine an abandoned playground where happiness was just a vision of the past. Very well done, I'll probably come back to read this again. Thanks for sharing."
    Posted by lupus tenebrae on "Quiet Suffering" by Meadowhawk
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