Comments by All Members
- "I know this is late, but When I first read it, I had nothing to say. I have read it several times since you released it, and until now I had nothign to say. This was beauty in the raw, something so gorgeous it blinds me. I love it."
Posted by Loketha Angel on "My Castle, My Stronghold, My Home" by FallenHero
- "I have read this a few times. I love the lins about the scales. Welcome to Dp friend. -Natelle"
Posted by Dei on "Smile." by FallenHero
- "Not sure if this is a "nightmare" that we have all gotten. Still that's a matter of personal opinion. More importantly this is thought provoking and interesting."
Posted by Unknown on "A lowly carp" by FallenHero
- "you tied the end up with some amazing hindsight...truly inspiring"
Posted by elisa on "My love" by FallenHero