Walking in fear of love
By SilentDreamer
Torn in two
Fearing the pain I once felt
It stalks my every step
The scar is still there
The wound still fresh
Thou over a year has passed
I live in utter fear of love
Of feeling something toward anyone
Fearing what might happened
Afraid to lose anyone else to my mindless trap
I want to pull away but… I want to be so close
I can’t have both
I can’t stay safe and lean into you
I want to let go and fall
His grasp long ago lifted from my arm
Thou I still feel his fingers wrapped around my wrist
Holding me back
Holding me next to him as he wandered on with his life
I want to break away but I fear the pain
The next step would be the worst
Leaving it all behind
Taking a step toward you and leaving him behind
My games no longer keep me safe
They cause me more problems then I can handle
I want nothing more then something straight forward
But I walk in fear of love
Comments on "Walking in fear of love"
A former member wrote:
Fearing what might [have] happened, Holding me next to him as he [wandered] on with his life.. Grammer Mistakes. As for the Sonnet. It seemed well forced. Life you were forced to write it instead of inspired ][ ][
On Tuesday, February 20, 2007, EnlightenedFailure
(13) wrote:
I dont think [have] would be the right tense Insanity... i Belieave it should just be [happen]....