The Queen of the World
By johntaiyu
I dated a prostitute once
though being 18 and stupid
I didn't realize what was going on
for awhile
She was a junkie too
and though clean when we met
it didn't take long
before she went back out
Thought herself to be
the queen of the world
and tried to hook me up too
talking about how wonderful it was all the time
the feeling you get when the needle breaks skin
and the vein lights up
and the melting
Got her drugs from doctors
by trading for sex
while I waited outside
in the car
Wanted to whore me out too
with fat guys in bars
and became pretty angry
when I let her down
After a few months
I got a clue
after she ripped me off
on a pot deal
for $500
and then blamed it on her friends
She took the boot alright
left me with an infection, crabs
and no pot
that was the worst
She came by work a few months later
begging for money
didn't like the no word
and stormed out
screaming and yelling
like she'd been hit with a tire iron
I don't remember her name now
that's probably a good thing
though every once in awhile
I think back and smile
because for all that chaos inside
she also had a light
in her eyes
that refused to die