Just a Dream

By GirlintheBox

The cupid's arrow only skimmed your heart
And so I am just a dream.
Now you've awakened, I'm no longer real
But just a dream
I'm just a dream.
Your repressed thoughts you won't let come through
For fear that I might exist
Mounts of guilt unavoidable
For making me just a dream.
I try to live but to no avail
For I am merely a dream
I will be locked in your mind for life
I will always be your dream
I try to escape but the doors are all closing
You're pushing me farther away
But you will never be able to get rid of me
For I will come back in your dreams
The depths of your mind
My home for all time
Always haunting your dreams

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Copyright 2004 Krystal Bray
Published on Friday, August 6, 2004.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Just a Dream"

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  • Savannah On Saturday, November 13, 2004, Savannah (218)By person wrote:

    wonderful.. as are the rest

  • TropicalSnowstorm On Tuesday, August 10, 2004, TropicalSnowstorm (1580)By person wrote:

    I liked both of these and think "thoughts you won't let come through For fear that I might exist" are especially witty lines. Ciao, T/S Scholar

  • A former member wrote: Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream... Scholar

  • Whisper On Friday, August 6, 2004, Whisper (112)By person wrote:

    This makes me want to cry BitterTears :)

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