By Anaelle
I've been there before
Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
The sting of life
Slapping against your face
The bitter chill
When the sun is so low
You wonder if it's sleeping
Nestled in the clouds
Turned pink, orange, yellow, red...
Does it sooth you?
Laying alone in bed
The blue light of the moon
Spreading across your bedsheets
Do you take comfort
In such worldly delights?
Little moments that collect
Like dust in an full room
The memoires of a life
A single life
Left to be forgotten
Among the buzzing society
Have you stood here before?
Taking the moment to remember
That one falling leaf
The shiver when you stepped outside
The glimpse of stars
In a city full of lights
The kiss on a cheek
From someone you take for granted
Have you noticed
The dust has blown away
Because you were too busy...