His Angel

By totallyalone

"Did you try your best?"
When I heard this, I knew the rest.
"Yes, of course, I always do."
"Then you should know I'm proud of you."

His pumpkin, his princess, his baby girl,
He was theoyster, and I, his pearl.
Through his love he molded me,
Into the best person I could be.

I was his angel, he taught me to fly,
Always there to pick me up, hold me as I cry.
He taught me to persevere, to finish a fight.
He taught me to believe, stand up for what's right.

But now, I'm on my own - all alone.
Without his guidance, I face the unknown.
I persevere like he taught me to, but um far from fine
Because I used to be his angel, but now he's mine.

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Copyright 2018 totallyalone
Published on Tuesday, December 4, 2018.     Filed under: "Depressed" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "His Angel"

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  • bipolarthoughts19 On Monday, January 21, 2019, bipolarthoughts19 (22)By person wrote:

    Just remember hun he taught you life's skills for when the time for you to carry them out on your own came, he knew even if you don't think that you are that you are strong and more than capable 💓 heart goes out to you xxx

  • I IS ME On Thursday, December 6, 2018, I IS ME (380)By person wrote:

    Be strong for him and live by his teachings. You will be alright

  • sTr8-jAcKeT On Wednesday, December 5, 2018, sTr8-jAcKeT (705)By person wrote:

    It haunts us when we realized how much of ourselves we become all alone, without the layers of love that someone else has added on. Blurred lines of self & un-self, where does the other person end when we look in the mirror? The pearl line is my favorite by far, closest to this exostenstial relation. Keep up the good work.

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