Nothing left but lonely tiredness
By Broken Rose
thats all I feel....
Tired of crying. .....
Tired of trying. ...
Tired of not being good enough. ...
and most of all. ...
Im tired of being me....
lonely as you are when you're shadow leaves you at night....
lonely so lonely when crying myself to sleep at night....
lonely such sweet and silent loneliness. ...
like a child whos lost their mother....
im tired of feeling nothing.....
Nothing to do with me anymore they'd say....
nothing matters anymore......
Nothing. .....
I am nothing......
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Copyright 2015 Broken Rose
Comments on "Nothing left but lonely tiredness"
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On Sunday, January 3, 2016, Nixx
(235) wrote:
im tired too. but not lonely. in a sense maybe, but im too tired from putting my energy into others all the time. its draining and just makes you want to give everything up. thank you for sharing :)
A former member wrote:
The feeling of emptiness and nothingness is something that you're not feeling alone.. Like myself, I see nothing important.. Why would anyone want me around? What importance is there to my life? Does anyone actually care? I ask myself these questions all the time.. Sometimes the answers I seek are more than I expected.. On one side there is emptiness and depression.. But on the other.. There is something amazing.. A girl.. A woman.. A woman that loves me no matter what.. Someone that is able to make me smile.. Make me laugh.. Even when I don't want to. A woman I love.. The people around you that truly accept, that truly love and want you around will always be there for you.. You aren't nothing to them.. You're not nothing to us.. You may think that you're simply a voice.. An unheard voice with nothing going your way.. But we're all here.. Whether in reality or on this site.. We're hear to listen, support and encourage.. Because we're all family. After reading this, your image of yourself may not change.. But trust me. There's someone's close isn't there..? Someone that you love..? Someone that loves you..? If that's the case then that proves that you're not nothing.. You're definently someone to him.. Someone that he loves most dearly and wants to spend his life with.. So live for him.. And he'll live for you.. Let him show you that you're not nothing.. That you're not a item.. But a woman.. You have a voice that deserves to be heard, so let it be heard.