A Feeling of Winter
By quantummysticist18
Life itself is a near-death experience,
The light at the end of the tunnel
Just the streetlamp at 42nd and Park.
Our ancestors surround us incognito,
Disguised as strangers whom we brush by
Without a second glance.
Winter holds us hostage with a ransom note
Demanding blood and limbs,
And nostalgia is but a form of homesickness.
If only I could read the stage directions
Printed before my lines on the invisible script
That hangs in the freezing air.
I do not think I shall make it to spring.
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Copyright 2014 Christopher P. Gazeent.
Published on Monday, October 20, 2014.
Filed under: "Reflective" and
Author's Note:
Very depressing, but then again that's why I'm here.Comments on "A Feeling of Winter"
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On Thursday, March 28, 2019, Jonas Robinson
(848) wrote:
Good stuff.
On Monday, October 20, 2014, mindtrash
(10) wrote:
Pretty intense man.