Piss everyone away

By letitbe

Nothing I can say will change your ways
I'll be screaming out until I'm blue in the face
You talk and talk yet never comprehend a word that's listened
You speak these words of man as if nothing's missing
But your logic is one of idiocy and logic is mere opinion.
And your logic is more important than those that stand with you
When you fall off your cloud, lingering above everybody else
Who will be there to catch your fall
Who will be in your corner to help you,
Whose back will you have stepped on
What bridges did you burn to reach where you are?
Was the problem really everybody else?
You expected everbody to compromise for you
but you were too blind to see that you refused to do the same for them.

Who will you point the finger at when they all walk away.

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Copyright 2012 letitbe
Published on Wednesday, March 28, 2012.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Piss everyone away"

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  • veingo On Saturday, March 31, 2012, veingo (526)By person wrote:

    I wish I didn't know someone whom this applies to. I think we all do though.. I don't think I have read your work befor. Better late than never; I welcome you to the vally... ^V^

  • Devilish On Wednesday, March 28, 2012, Devilish (2633)By person wrote:

    I feel you.. hugs... Hello there.. Scholar

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