No Solace in Death
By redfurrydragon
A chorus inside, terror in sound, a tune of death sung low.
Discordant hearts, a grinning skull, the lyrics he does not know.
She sings this song, at each night’s mid, her voice so full of pain,
His soul it tears, his being is rendered split by her disdain.
Was he this evil, this monster she saw, this devil in the dark?
It could not be, his love was true, he gave to her his heart.
Her loathe of he, complete and broad, condemned to hell she said.
And still for this, the love he kept, did naught but grow his dread.
His death would be an escape from pain, the easier path of two.
But Charon smiled, your Obolus is mine, your soul I will renew.
But think not of joy, your form will change, the Dragon comes this way,
You’ll love forever, your torment his, the light is kept at bay.
Otherkin Lord, immortal here now, the passion of love not known,
Her hatred of him, a velvet black cloak, draped loose about his throne.
The years pass on, and still the tune, a cacophony in his mind,
The vision of she, her eyes of blue, his heart has made him blind.
If only he knew, another has come, she begs him to return,
Unfurl your wings, catch hold the wind, let not her darkness spurn.
The ferryman growls, “Leave him to me, I feed upon his hate.”
"Insatiable I am, survive I must, it is his only fate."
The Dragon roars, “My soul is mine, your time is at its end.”
"I will return to the world of man, two lives I will now mend."
His and hers, two hearts combined, a love brought forth to grow.
Flourishing bright and held up strong, pierced true by Cupid’s Bow.