By Leerer Blick Fairy

Out in the rain after him.
Begging and Pleading from him to stay.
She messed up real good this time.
He walked in her bedroom to find a letter and her as she had just climbed out her bedroom wundow.
[Curtens flapping from the wind and rain]
UP UP UP she went to the top. Climbing careful not to fall just yet. she stood at the very top point of the roof [Three stories up. Put her arms out as to be on a croosifix.

The Wind blowing... The Rain pounding.

She stands there...crying, yet not scared or sad,[for this is the 1st time in her life that she isn't been sad, scared, mornfull, and enraged by HATRED].
So she inches a few steps close to the edge. Then she thinks to herself... she loves him yes...but...does he love her. Will he cry when she's gone...died to the world...will he even care??
Suddently she cries out a scream of pain...the pain that comes from the love which makes her debate on shall she kill herself never to find out of the love he has for her...or shall she live and find that love he has just down a story in her room.

Little does she know that he has read the letter and know he cries for he thinks he has lost the love of his life. He must know has she or hasn't she??
UP UP UP he goes climbing carefully for he doesn't want to demise just yet.

He sees her and cries out to her not to jump.
She doesn't turn to look for she knows who it is.
With tears in her eyes and pain and heartbrake in her vocie she asks him why not? No one loves her...o on cares if she's died or alive. She is usless to the world!!


....[he studdes fro a moment to be interuped by her]
You can't think of a reason can you? Not one... See I told you

YES!!! Darling i can think of an aboundens of reasons...im tryin to pick one. I have. I have picked the reason that is most dear to my heart. I LOVE You!!!

You lie to me!! You could never love me never...for i love you.

Her thoughts rushing thought her head. Not sure waht to do. So she runs. Down the roof, in though her bed room window. She sits on her bed curled up in the fetle pasition.
Tears flowing out of her eyes no sound at all.
She sits there thinking...thinking hard.
*slam* the door closes...there goes the love of her life.
she picks up he letter...its open...she reads it but there's an extra page. She reads it.
She yells out"he loves me..he really loves me"
She gets off the bed, runs down the stairs, out the door, and into the street. But it's too late. He's gone and so is his love.
With nothing left to do...she sits in the street.
Wnd blowingm, Rain pounding.
The only sound she makes is every so offten she lets out a yell of the pain she has been scared with.
The end!!
Nothing left in her life so she goes back in side, scales the roof goes to the top ponit spreads her arms.
And this time with no hasetans she jumps. The fall will surely kill her. Her heartbroken body lies there in.....

Unauthorized Copying Is Prohibited. Ask the author first.
Copyright 2003 Leerer Blick Fairy
Published on Monday, July 7, 2003.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "R A I N"

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  • A former member wrote: site* yea way to go im correcting your spelling and I misspelled a word lol

  • A former member wrote: awesome! *** three stars BTW Spell check is now enabled on this sight.....use it next time :D

  • Rebel_Angel On Sunday, July 13, 2003, Rebel_Angel (321)By person wrote:

    Well I think it is very good. So sad but good. It jus proves that you have to tell someone you love them. Don't wait for it could be too late. And you would always wonder what if...

  • Aurora_Light On Sunday, July 13, 2003, Aurora_Light (472)By person wrote:

    i agree with reble never wait to say i love you if u truly feel it

  • A former member wrote: tragic, but beautifully written, some misspelled words, i guess the misspelled words help to convey confusion

  • A former member wrote: ..um..woah...thats really...good...i actually get it *yay me* cool

  • Demosthenes On Monday, July 7, 2003, Demosthenes (155)By person wrote:

    *eyes widen in confusion* i dont... understand... its so... man... *piff* you cant spell silence. i think... good? im... lost... -B

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