
By Leerer Blick Fairy

The hate I have.
The hate that is talking over my life.
The insanity that is caused by the HATE I have towards the one man.
That one man that ruined my life [for good].
Never to be normal never to sane.
All the pain in side locked up in my brain.
The pain.
The Anguish.
To stop the pain the HATE the Anguish would be bliss.
The voices of the Hate, pain, anguish take over sometimes and my mind flies in to a maniac rage and I scream.
It’s a scream so loud.
Breaking the glass windows
yet no one comes.
No one cares.
The screams turn in to tears.
And the tears turn in to death.
Hoping that something better will come.
Anything would be better then this.

I Hate people. No one there.

[cries out with the sound of true pain and heart brake]
I S S O M E O N E T H E R E .

If only there was someone there.
Someone to talk too.
Someone that had no judgment of me yet knew me well.
Someone to understand. Someone to love me.
If only.

So I sit here with this hate bottled up inside Knowing at any moment that all the Hate, all the pain and all the anguish could erupt.
Like a volcano.
The malting lava as the hate... over powering the island (my sanity) slipping away.
Oh so fare away.
Never to return to my mind.
So I come to the connclusion that peace will never reach my mind.
Stop the denial.
Keep the pain.
Ignore the Hate.
Control the anguish.


There is nothing more i can say.

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Copyright 2003 Leerer Blick Fairy
Published on Monday, June 30, 2003.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Hate"

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  • A former member wrote: But there is hope, there was for me. there is for everyone. you just have to find it. nicely done, and Im sorry your in pain.

  • Rebel_Angel On Sunday, July 13, 2003, Rebel_Angel (321)By person wrote:

    I know how you feel...It is a horrible feeling. I hate some people so very much. And sometimes I do with for someone to be there for me and love me. Nice Write

  • A former member wrote: Wish I could do the hatred thing... but I feel hatred is the flip-side of love and don't like to think certain people have that much influence on my emotions.

  • A former member wrote: I feel... so sad for you. The ending talking about no hope and all. I'm so sorry someone made you feel this way. Keep tuning your skills, and don't ignore the hate... get it out on paper.

  • Leerer Blick Fairy On Friday, July 4, 2003, Leerer Blick Fairy (16)By person wrote:


  • A former member wrote: Lots of anger! Yes I can see it and feel it in this poem!

  • Stranger On Tuesday, July 1, 2003, Stranger (263)By person wrote:

    There is a ton of feeling in this one. Apparently "the one man" left quite a scar.

  • A former member wrote: keep expressing yourself this way. even if you don't like what you write, keep writing what you feel and you will get better. :)

  • Midnight Phoenix On Monday, June 30, 2003, Midnight Phoenix (240)By person wrote:

    I'll be honest. I think your work could be greatly improved upon. Try avoiding cliches and overusing certain words. The piece is spontaneous, which isn't a bad thing, but in my opinion it could be more structured.

  • Midnight Phoenix On Monday, June 30, 2003, Midnight Phoenix (240)By person wrote:

    All these things will come with experience, so keep writing!

  • A former member wrote: "Someone that had no judgment of me yet knew me well. Someone to understand. Someone to love me"- I know the feeling hold your head up, very expressive write

  • Leerer Blick Fairy On Monday, June 30, 2003, Leerer Blick Fairy (16)By person wrote:

    thank you this is my fav that i ahve writen(im new to this site but i have been writing for a long time)

  • A former member wrote: powerful piece... a little editing might make it even moreso. repetition can detract from impact...

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