
By Sin Amor

I could not recount,
How many cups of tea poured,
Nor how much laughter.

I saw your face smile.
We felt only moments pass.
Teahouse doors open.

The wind blows colder,
And it is already dark.
Everything ends,

But distant churchbells,
And, falling cherry blossoms,
Cannot fully describe,

My sorrow.

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Copyright 2011 Sin Amor
Published on Tuesday, July 5, 2011.     Filed under: "Haiku" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "Teahouse"

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  • RedPoetry On Saturday, June 9, 2012, RedPoetry (3)By person wrote:

    Soft and delicate, each line reminds me of my own past, in a way. Words you can relate to are the best kind.

  • A former member wrote: excellent.... I truly admire the omission, the elision, that which is hinted, suggested, but left to the reader to gleam... you've worked this element into this work quite well, very rhetorically engaging, yessiree, and to do so in haiku sequence, provides form for appreciation as well as content... evocative write... I would so tuck you away in my list if my membership would so allow.... thanks for sharing your art.

  • Devilish On Tuesday, July 5, 2011, Devilish (2633)By person wrote:

    Any one for a drink? Some jin... perhaps its not your cup of tea but oooh how good it feels... I take a shot in thoughts of you... I like that! Scholar

  • ubiquitoussoul On Tuesday, July 5, 2011, ubiquitoussoul (343)By person wrote:

    This I've read countless times...It completely engulfs me.. so well structured for each set flows into the next with ease..the ambiance surrounds and envelopes..naturally..till we are in complete betrayal of a presumed expectation..killed by a laden emotion..thank you

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